Welcome back Cerise Rose
Trying again...
by CeriseRose 35 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome back! I kinda know what you mean about needing to take a break sometimes. I go through phases to where I don't come here or post as much as I used to. I do know that if I am not here for awhile, that it is easy to catch up here, and feel like I am still a part of the board, even if gone for awhile. There are some very special people here, and I hope that you feel comfortable here always.
W/B Cerise.
Glad you could come back.
I think it might feel like home 4U soon.
Seems you've already stirred up a few friendz as iz.
One darling Emu, and a particular Rhesus pall from your past.
I'm going to put less pressure on myself and this place to be something that it can't (shouldn't?) be. And try to enjoy it for what it is.
Welcome back!
It?s not that unusual to take a break from the forum, and take a peek again after a few months. I've done that, and many others have, too. It?s also easy to feel that your not being heard. With the numbers posting, and a new thread started every few minutes?it?s a wonder anyone feels they?re being heard. :-) Just enjoy and post when you want, and don't sweat the small stuff because it?s all small stuff. -
welcome back, Cerise! I think this forum can be something different depending on the individual and how much you invest in it. There are a lot of awesome people here. But, sometimes life intervenes and we get busy outside. Knowing that you can come back anytime is a good feeling. No one looks at you like you're spiritually weak because you missed a few months of posting!
Welcome back Cerise.
Thanks again guys and gals.
I agree that this forum is very easy to come back to. (eek, my participles dangling, but I'm too sleepy to figure out how to fix it...hehe).
It is about not sweating the small stuff. Just have to remember to tell myself that when the world becomes overwhelming. I'm not too good at dropping years of conditioning to perform (JWs really pushed the envelope on an already difficult-to-manage problem ) and just relaxing. Working on it though.
Frannie Banannie
Hiya, CR! WB, cher! Glad you decided to give us a try again, sweetie! Whatchoo ben doon?
who the h3ll is that?")
No we wouldnt say that Darling/ We would say "Oh look she back again Hurrah!!!!! Lovely to see you again. Keep us informed of the great days ahed (((HUG)
I for one am glad you are back, you were one of the first people that responded to one of my first threads, and I remember you. Im glad you made the decision to post again. I was getting hooked on posting, then got a little fed up to when I thought I wasnt being heard. Im glad yoiu gave it another shot. I lurk a whole lot more than post, and I think it gives me an opportunity to add what I want, think about what I say before I say it, and if its not positive, I don't reply. Negative tones in ppls posts have hurt my feelings on more than one occasion, especially if it is a topic that I feel passionate about. But I decided to take peoples responses (or non-responses) with a grain of salt, just like any other group of strangers that I would talk to.
Well, I think I have digressed enough for one post....so w/b (hug)