hey guys..thanks for the overwhelming feedback..i've finally realized she's been so manipulative towards me all these years. always using the bible as an excuse for her advantage while failing to "remove the rafter" from her eye. i was really utterly speechless and horrified while i had to hold her down telling her that the only way she was acting like that was because she was being an extremist tyrannical person who would do anything to get her way. it probably wasn't the best way to put it but i was telling the lucid truth of the situation. she was discharged this morning and her attitude is still the same. now she and my grandmother are teaming up to find my gf and beat the crap out of her. their reasoning : for corrupting me. help!
i told my mother that i do not desire to be associated with jws anymore and
by drunkenpikachu 46 Replies latest jw experiences
if they really threaten your gf inform the police then send the police report to the elders.
she may get df'd before you do lol
(sorry, i have no real advice.. i feel for ya though)
You may need to talk to the police on this one. I think that in most states, as her closest family member you can commit her for 72 hours (psychiatric) against her will because she's a danger to herself and others. (uh..duh...)
Call the cops, tell them what happened and about her threats. Then I suggest you move out if you aren't already out of the house.
Take care. Abusive, controlling people don't give up easy. Th games will continue for awhile but your strength will win out eventually.
wait...why am i asking for help? i'm not gonna let anyone fuck up my life because they also want to control MY god given free will. i am gonna have to take measures i never would've thought to take because this is getting ridiculous. now i'm just pissed that they *grandmother and mom - they are a tagteam duo* would just fuck up the minds of their children. believe it or not, my 40+ year old aunt is still living with my grandma, along with my uncle and his two children. so i def. see a sick twisted pattern. and i'm the fuckin anomaly. it's stopping NOW. thanks all.
So sorry you had to go through this. Like everyone said, it's not you it's her/them. MOve on and things will start to normalize.
welcome drunken pikachu,I am very interested in your story,your story helps me appreciate my family for not shunning me or flipping out.Good luck,stp
Your mother sounds like mine--CONTROL FREAK----it is hard for them to let go when we become adults, sometimes it is our fault. We allow them to much leeway into our lives..........so they think they own us...I feel sorry for her but you have to stand up and be a man, guess what, it makes her know her place..............Please don't let her attack you like that, stand right up to her and tell her to keep her hands to her self or your will call the police.............she is treating you like a child, be a man and in the end she will respect you for it and you will respect yourself...............
ps.....a little reminder Simon who runs this boared does not allow curse words . He will delete you off, so watch the language, we know how frustrating things can get, but no bad words per order of the bossman Simon.
drunken pikachu
A terrible experience for you to have to go through. Are you able in anyway to at least tell her before she shuns you some important reasons for doubting the authority of the Borg. Even if she doesnt listen she may hear and think about what you say in years to come when she misses you and her self-righteous indignation defaltes.
Whattruth you made some excellent points:
She kept asking me what was so great about this old world that I was willing to die for it.
I could particularly empathise with this - i remember being asked that and not having the courage to say why that I had decided that death at 17 or 18 and a short life lived to the full was better than an eternity in their so called paradise.
I can also relate to the tales hear of mums gone mad. I believe mine had a mental or nervous breakdown when I left at 16, but as leaving the religion also meant I had to leave home I wasn't their to see most of it. I thought my mother was of a particularly nervous disposition but I can see that in fact from the other stories here it is quite typical.
Let us know how things go and definitely if any threats are made against your girlfriend you will have to get the police involved. Surely your mother and grandmother realise that this would be unscriptural. But also if you reported her overdose to the elders that would be grounds for disfellowshippng. I should know as the terrible pressure and grief at losing my family at 16 led me to take an overdose too. And I was disfellowshipped for attempted self-murder amongst other things. So it does happen for real. But also surely a violent attack on her son could not now be considered using the rod and would be certain grounds for reproof I would have thought.
Your mother has more problems that the one which you just presented to her. Be kind. Life is long and you too will no doubt do at least a few things you'll regret as much as she may one day regret this event.
An act of kindness may be forgotten, but it will never be regretted.
Read and reread, meditate on The Desiderata (find it on the web). It will give you peace and guidance in tumultuous times. I especially like the lines
"As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons...
be gentle with yourself, you are a child of the universe...
and whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."
See See
Doubtfully Yours
Wow! That was quite a bad reaction on your mother's part!
Help her out with her issues, but hold strong with your resolve. She'll come around in time.