Since my last post I found out that my wife lied to get a "vow of faithfullness with another man. In March of 2004 she asked me to sign an agreement document to give to a lawyer in order to get our marriage annulled. I agreed only on her promise not to give it to the congregation to be with another man but only for her lawyer. Guess what? Not only did she give it to her congregation, she created and e-mail indicating that I sent it and stated in it that I was living with another woman. She also stated that I could not be reached if they tried to contact me. I have since found out that the proper proceedures were not taken by the congregation in order to give this "vow of faithfullness", also that they just took her word and proceeded with the religious marriage. I am fighting back on this matter and I have created a website to show that her history of past lies shows that she once again lied to her congregation. At the moment her congregation is relying only on the fact that I signed the agreement document and they will not accept that it was optained by lies and deception. I am hoping that the more JWs who see this site will help me to get the congregation"s attention and they will act on this matter. Please visit and also send it to all your friends, especially those in the Philippines. Thank you
Update -- wife given permission new union without my permission
by belu 22 Replies latest social relationships
Country Girl
Actually, and not to be disrespectful, but what difference does it make to you now? Your marriage is already over, right? Are you in the Phillipines and part of the JW's so that your reputation might be affected? I am not sure why you are so concerned with what she does *now* ... whether it be as a result of lies, or not. You are actually the one that agreed to give the agreement over to her lawyer, so she has possession of it. I am not sure what you are trying to demonstrate here.
Is this a case of mail-order bride gone bad?
Go talk to the elders in her congregation if your close enough. I sure as hell wouldn't let her get away with it.
I just spent a few minutes reading the items you've posted to the forum. (Let the reader use discernment.) If you don't mind, I'm just going to say what I think and leave it at that.
First of all, I'm sorry that you got yourself involved with a woman of questionable character. There are multitudes of unscrupulous people on the internet looking to take advantage of people. It sounds to me like this was the case with your "wife".
Secondly, we live in a society where marriage is pretty much an arrangement between two people who have mutually decided to enter a familial relationship. However, when one person wishes to terminate that relationship - for whatever reason - the other party is not required under law to grant permission to terminate the relationship. It's only control freaks and abusers who try to manipulate their spouse into staying in a relationship they no longer wish to stay in by saying "I'll never give you a divorce" or "I do not permit you to divorce me." That attitude is HOGWASH. The woman to whom you refer is free to leave you and do whatever she wishes. If you feel she married you under false pretenses, you are free to have the marriage annulled to protect your assets. Then, just leave her alone. She's moved to the Phillipines, for God's sake... if she wanted to be with you, she'd be in Canada with you, not as far away from you as is humanly possible.
Thirdly, whether she is a JW or not is questionable. A "real" JW woman in good standing with her religious community would not get married to a non-JW. Besides, if she's willing to lie to you, to her congregation and to the man she is involved with now and take a vow before God while doing so, do you really think she cares enough to tell the truth to anyone? Count your blessings, get rid of her while you can (before it costs you more money), and move on.
I can understand feeling hurt and vindictive over being lied to or having your marriage terminate under such bizarre circumstances. Really, I can. But you aren't doing yourself any favours by slandering her on a website.
I understand every comment so far, I agreed to the annulment bec I also believe that when it is over, it is over. It also does not bother me that she is with another man. It is how she went about it. Nothing pisses me off more than when people tell you to trust them again after you forgave them on numerous occassions. Just the fact that she accused me of committing adultery when all the while it was her. Creating false e-mails that state that I am living with another woman just for her own selfish reasons is not aceptable to me. When one walks arround door to door preaching the bible, they should not be allowed to do so if they are liars and evel themselves. Do not quote the bible only to act religous, be religous. Do not pretend to be who you are not.
She has done similar things in the past and always got away with it because everyone around her believed her, well, not this time. Yes is is my name and it is I she lied about and I will not take it sitting down. Sorry that I must take this route, but her congregation must know what type of person she really is.......
fleaman uk
You are treading a fine line there i would say?
Why devote a whole web site to someone who (excuse my bluntness) has left you and moved half way round the World??Bitterness is a terrible thing.
It is also quite difficult to give balanced advice when only hearing half the Story.
When one walks arround door to door preaching the bible, they should not be allowed to do so if they are liars and evel themselves. Do not quote the bible only to act religous, be religous. Do not pretend to be who you are not.
I'm sorry for your troubles with this woman. However, you need to be made aware of something. The Jehovah's Witnesses are not preaching the Bible. They are preaching the doctrines of a demonised group of old men in Crooklyn, NY who are only interested in keeping mankind removed from Christ and publishing empire profits . The JW hierarchy don't care what their followers do as long as the don't bring reproach on Joe Hoba's organisation. In other words, the WTBTS/JW religion is a sham. I would just get over it and move on. It's really not worth your health to let crap like this eat at your soul.
Max Divergent
Those darn women... even if you own them, they still run off and cause trouble for ya'll... I say, let them run free...