Anger is all a part of the human experience. It sounds like it was a painful split for you but as the days, and weeks progress I'm sure you will continue your emotional healing process. If it makes you feel better to rant a little bit, I'm sure everyone here will be supportive. That's what friends are for. To listen to each other...even if we are being a bit irrational. Live is an incredible gift with some amazing highs, and some crushing lows.
Update -- wife given permission new union without my permission
by belu 22 Replies latest social relationships
You have my respect for moving on, I don't mean that lightly. Bitterness is poison, and when dealing with the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society there is too much that can lead to bitterness.
This woman doesn't deserve any more of your time and neither does the Man-Made-Religion. If you were a practicing Witness, were satisfied with being a Witness, and wanted to remarry a Witness my comments would have been different.
Peace Brother! -
Max Divergent
Max D-- You write very well for a six year old. They must have excellent schools where you live.
Well, they do... but that's my count of last time I set foot in a KH!!