When we blindly believe that a limited-deity gave birth to the un-limited expression of Life and universe, it is impossible for anything to, add up. We can't squeeze truth out of a lie, no matter how hard we try.
I can live with that. Please note that whenever I refer to God or write it "God", the reason being it's tiresome and woefully inadequate to try and address all the different views of "God" or whatever you want to call "it". So I stick with "God" till a better universal term comes up. I do not believe in the "God" of organized religions... but I do believe in a "God"- however "it" ends up being defined. Hope this makes sense.
your thought that Jehovah God doesn't deal with us "directly" because we are imperfect, that is not quite accurate nor is it accurately what is taught by Jehovah's Witnesses
Not entirely accurate... I've had MANY a discussion on this matter with "heavy" Dubs and this IS WHAT THEY TEACH and what I was told to teach to others in "talks" I gave at the Hall. My point is not to argue semantics. Maybe your experience was/is different than mine.
disciple- maybe I didn't explain myself "I HATE ORGANIZED RELIGION"... including and especially self-righteous "born-again" types! I don't need your dogma anymore. "think in threes"?wtf is that?
So does J deal with imperfection... and then if He does or doesn't, how do you answer the delimma's this creates?
u/d (of the refuses to "worship" any deity that can't speak clear and concisely or without riddles class)