I see y'all talking about my most dreaded subject, the big M. I never had a problem with it, but my mom discussed it with myself and my 3 brothers often. We were always told what the WTS taught about it and I grew up thinking if I did it, I'd die. Mom was constantly dealing with my 3 brothers about it.
Then, I went and married a guy who, before he met me, was the king of the big M. He was not raised in any religion, so he had not stigma about it. We went rounds about this subject and he doesn't do it anymore because it upsets me so bad. I told him, it's not his fault I'm screwed up and can't handle that my hubby would do that instead of wanting to be with me, but he said, it's not about that... It's just something a guy does (he did it more in his sleep than any other time). But, he did say that out of respect for me, and the fact that since he was married and pretty much could get tail anytime he wanted it, which is true, I kinda have an obsession with uhhhh.... certain stuff due to my molestation, so he's well taken care of. I know, not healthy, but it is what it is.
I really am trying to work through my problem with M, because my oldest son is 11 and well... puberty has hit him hard, litterally, and now I have to deal with this subject and I'm not liking it one bit. I am however not going to tell my son he can't do it, the only thing I told him is that wanting to is a natural part of growing up, but don't let it become all you think about. As you can see, he and I have a very open relationship and he shares stuff most kids wouldn't dream of sharing. Can you imagine having to have the sex talk with an 11 year old? Well I had to because he told me a few weeks ago that sometimes he feels like he wants to kiss a girl but he doesn't know why. LOL
Okay, enough of this.. back into my hole :)