OK, so my wife keeps telling me that it's just me, but I can't help but think that this country has gone completely quackers when I see some of the comercials on TV. The Gecko doing the "Robot" , the King wanting me to eat a 50 pound breakfast sandwich, Wake Up With the King? WTF, and the whole way things are just thrown in our face in the form of advertising. Don't get me wrong, I find many of their pitches almost brutal genious, but other times I look and I feel that this is the ruination of the country. What are some things in American Culture, or the culture of your life where you live, that makes you think we as humans have totally lost it?
So Have We Totally Lost Our Ever Loving Minds?
by prophecor 30 Replies latest jw friends
the King wanting me to eat a 50 pound breakfast sandwich, Wake Up With the King?
oh man! i love that commercial...his big ol head. pure genius.anyway, a culture that cheers for politicians like they're athletes is so far gone i don't even know where they are. i see the eyes glaze over and the blood pressure rise when someone criticizes their...politician?!? what the heck is that? was there an office pool for the next president? everyone high-fivin at the water cooler? gimme a break. i'd see stickers on the backs of trucks (still do) and just think, man, you are gonna feel LAME when you're trying to scrape that crap off next summer.
No, it's not just you. I'm not interested in waking up with the king either, nor am I interested in bunnies that lay eggs and cluck like chickens. And people who act stupid have little hope of selling me their product or service.
(non) Reality TV- what a crock... and we eat it up like fruity pebbles.
makes you think we as humans have totally lost it?
All "news", it is an absolute insult to everyones intelligence! Everyone misrepresents everything... no wonder the newer generation doesn't watch it. I hope they all go broke ( the WTS too!).
Kill Your TV!
u/d (of the dumbed down by TV class)
Kill Your TV!
easy now...let's not go crazy... (it's my best friend) -
I think you may think too much!
I see your point though. As humans I think we humor ourselves to pass the time.
the King wanting me to eat a 50 pound breakfast sandwich, Wake Up With the King?
oh man! i love that commercial...his big ol head. pure genius.Okay but do you guys think that is a little creepy, the king he seems creepy to me. And to roll over in bed and see that grin on his face would make me wonder what the smile was all about!! Odd little people must be coming up with these ads.
I will never be able to look at burger king in the same light again!
You are right. It is all absolutely ridiculous. I absolutely hate commercials. Oh, maybe some of them are entertaining from time to time but for the most part they are awful.
See this is why I love Tivo I never have to watch anything I dont want to. I program it to record what I want to see and then fast forward through the idiotic commercials YAY. the only commercials I watch are the ones during the superbowl and even they sucked this year
How about the recent Snapple commercials? "See this idiot? *She* loves Snapple! So should you!"
I enjoy most commercials for their entertainment value, but I often forget what they were selling. Many people during the "Where's the Beef?" craze didn't even know which burger chain the ad was from.
And of course I hate the ones that scream at you, "NATIONWIDE WAREHOUSE! UNBELIEVABLE PRICES! COME IN NOW!" It makes me want to go over there, casually look around, and when a salesman approaches me, scream, "DOES THIS COME IN LEATHER?!? WHEN CAN IT BE DELIVERED?!?"