Frankly if I woke up and there was a person leering at me with a king mask on I would think I had awoke to the twilight zone or that the local crazy house had an escapee. It definitely would not make me hungry. lol :-)
So Have We Totally Lost Our Ever Loving Minds?
by prophecor 30 Replies latest jw friends
And to roll over in bed and see that grin on his face would make me wonder what the smile was all about!!
if you were the king you'd be smiling too!
see, i just figure, the king has been up for awhile and he has a tasty plan to start my morning off right. all i have to do is let the king take care business.
by the way, there is NO way in hell that i'd let anything from burger king pass these lips, but i appreciate the king's concern for satisfying my morning hunger.
Any and all Auto dealer ads... they haven't changed one iota in my lifetime.
"We'll take you're trade no matter how much you owe!" - said in a screaming voice.
"No credit, bad credit, no job, in jail, shipping off to Iraq.... NO PROBLEM!"- also said in screaming voice.
"Push pull or drag it in we'll GIVE you 10,000 for your piece of junk" (actually they give you nothing, you borrow the 10K)- again screaming.
Are people really enticed more by a screaming announcer? Just like a monster truck show announcer!
There's a sucker born every minute- P.T.Barnum
u/d (of the born at night but not last night class)
best laugh I've had all week!!! Thanks y'all, No credit, no job, shipping off to Iraq, y'all are priceless, for everything else theres....
Yes, every time I see a Geico commercial...especially with the cavemen on it. They crack me up, but come on.
I love the Serta sheep commercials, especially the one where the sheep are in jail for pulling off the DO NOT REMOVE tag.
that "wake up with the King" commerical freaks me out big time.
I think "Some" people have!
Yes, every time I see a Geico commercial...especially with the cavemen on it.
oh yeah! i forgot about those! i laugh out loud every time. of course, i still have my insurance with progressive. it feels like i'm stealing or something by enjoying geico's commercials but not buying from them. and progressive's ads are so lame. you know there's some cushy board room somewhere at the top of Progressive's building with a bunch of welldressed businessmen sitting around a big mahogany table saying, "Cavemen! OF COURSE! Why didn't we think of that!?"