Hello...new here

by Sabrina 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • tweety

    Welcome Sabrina,

    and even now, I struggle with the brainwashing and the conditioning that has been done throughout my entire life.

    You are so correct with that statement. It takes awhile to get the whole JW thinking 'out of your system.'

    Even though I have been out of the religion for 10 years, I have found comfort at this forum. The people here are so nice, understanding and they can relate to ever thing that you are going through. Throughout the years, when I tried talking to neighbors or friends at work about the JW's, they don't understand.

    Everyday I jump on this forum to read the different post and sometimes to make a comment.....it's additive! haa


  • AuntieJane

    Welcome, Sabrina! It never ceases to amaze me that the ones who 'escape' the JW cult seem like normal people, in spite of their upbringing.

    I am thrilled to welcome you here...and I know you will find healing and help. Esp in dealing with your mom's relationship with your little boy; others have been there and can share with you. You are the one who can control what he learns, and I think you will get the strength you need to protect him from others who have the same situations.



  • TheListener

    Welcome Sabrina. I am glad you found us. I wish you much success in your journey.

  • adelmaal

    Welcome to the board Sabrina

    I too have a 10 year old daughter who is exposed to that religion 50% of the time when she is with her dad. I work really hard to strike a balance with her and counteract the drama they fill her with. It's tough but I'm hoping she will come out of it all thinking for herself and realising that just because her dad teaches her these things out of love that does not mean they are right.

    I wholeheartedly agree with the below advice:

    And I have chosen to supervise her contact with my mother so the mind-control techniques will not have a chance to begin. It is sad to me that such a thing is necessary but am happy to be raising her with more love and freedom than I knew growing up.

    I do not have a choice in the matter with my daughter going to her dad's house but if my mom were a JW I know she would feel a responsibility to indoctrinate her grandchildren, which would include the teaching of eventual shunning of me. That completely alienates a child from his/her parent and even though they do it out of love it's absolutely wrong.

    I can understand your wanting your son not to lose out on a relationship with his grandma but I do not think any JW will respect your authority as a parent when it comes to deciding whether or not your child is exposed to that religion. If I were you I would set some boundaries my mom, which include supervised visitation only. She will view your child as a worldly person and she will feel a need to change him. That's no way for your little one to be treated. He should be able to have a relationship with his grandma free from religious control. Just my 02 -- not that you asked for it .

    Again, welcome! It's good to have you here. It's a great board.

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    Welcome Sabrina, I hope you find the support you desire. I hope things go well for you and your family. jt

  • Golf

    Greetings and welcome Sabrina. Make your self at home.


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Welcome Sabrina!

    Ask your mother politely not to talk about her religious beliefs with your son. If not, your son will soon start to believe that you're evil and will be destroyed soon and him with you. Be careful as this can bring great division and stress between you and your son.


  • heatherg

    Welcome Sabrina, looking forward to hearing more from you. hg

  • love2Bworldly

    Hi Sabrina--I just started posting here a couple weeks ago. I have been out for many years. I left when my kids were babies and now they are teenagers. Since I have a sister who is a JW and continues her contact with me, I have taught my children now that they are older to be careful of their aunt. I have been very open with them that I was kicked out, and that if they become JW's--they will be encouraged to cut off our relationship. I love my kids dearly and would not be able to handle that, so I use every opportunity to teach them about the falsehoods, the lies, the changing doctrines, and just in general not to become involved in any type of cults. I'm glad I have been doing this because the other day my sister gave my oldest daughter a magazine; my daughter laughed at the articles because it is so archaic toward teenagers.

    Anyway, welcome aboard.

  • xjw_b12

    Welcome Normal Person.

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