The "limit" you speak of is a hypothetical "condition". Yes?
Or are you going to argue that there are absolutely no cases where a mother's love has transcended the abominable acts of her child?
My argument is that there is always a limit to a persons love for another, and that there should be. Whether this be in the family situation or not - and if we accpet the principle of unconditional love we must also apply it to every other person within our sphere of influence, or else it then becomes a conditional love. Do you think for example, that it is healthy for a mother to love the son mentioned above without limit? He who sodomized her seven year old grandchild and then murdered the other one?
The whole situation is not to do with love, so much as the limit of love. Unconditional love implies *no* limit. I do not see that as possible in the sane person and if people strive to reach this lofty, mythological ideal, it can only bring them harm.
Best regards - HS