pass me a ciggie
.Brummie Put it down!!!!! It bothers my eyes....I do believe there is UN conditional LOVE .I know this sound weird( O.K. I admit I,m weird) But I loved my hubby 42+ years UNCONDITIONALLY - as you all know it was a tough time-he objecting to my JW life-beatings etc: But I couldnt stop loving him. My Grand-kids give me problems & as much as I would like to take "a slow boat to China "to avoid the problems I LOVE them unconditionally . So I stay close because I want to be here to help when needed -which is OFTEN!..... O.K. Dr's ,Counsellors, etc say that is a "sick" love .In fact my Dr at one time ( when my hubby was alive) told me he would not treat me any more unless I left my husband -he said "It is me or Him choose!!!" They were conditions I could not abide by so I gave the DR up -He was a good one too). I TRULY believe we can love some one ( with ALL their faults) unconditionally.....Just my two cents.