People basically have 4 ways to leave:
My sister chose dying, she got cancer and refused to treat it...she took vitamins and 3 years later it had mestatised to her brain, she had over 30 brain tumors. If she'd treated it she would have lived. She used to tell me, "I'd be happier if I wasn't a JW...but it's what God wants..." the unspoken, as I mentioned in another post, was that is that it was what our Mum wanted. She just couldn't leave, couldn't face the when she found out she had cancer at 39 it was a way out of a life that was very unhappy where she could be seen as a "faithful to the end" sister. I miss her and think of her every single day. Do I judge her for her decision? No...I can understand it..but it makes me realise just how destructive this faith really is...when you cannot cope with living in it another day that death by cancer is preferrable. I am grateful just to be me...stroppy outspoken 5 foot nothing scrapper that I am