Do you store food..?

by Qcmbr 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Qcmbr

    I was sitting at work the other day contemplating nonwork stuff. I happen to work 8 floors up and I get a great view of the road and all the cars rushing around and it got me thinking about how from a distance people all look the same and things start to look a little ridiculous...anyhow.

    Then that got me thinking about how easy it would be for it all to fall apart (not like an end of the world scenario - but just a society thing.) I thought - maybe just before the fall of Rome some incredibly good looking brit (presumably a slave) was musing on similar ideas in his masters two story villa - just as the barbarian horde turned up for lunch.

    Do you think society is fragile and if so what do you do about that feeling? Me, I buy all sorts of weird stuff (eg dust masks - thanks 'Day after Tomorrow') and I'm working on getting a years supply of food.

  • LittleToe

    Sounds a very Mormon thing, which makes sense, given your religion.
    Most of the LDS I know do the same thing.

    Upon what do you base this teaching?

  • jeanniebeanz
    Do you store food..?

    Yes, mostly around my waistline... lol

    Actually, I would not want to be the only one in the neighborhood with food and supplies should a disaster of epic proportions hit. I would be putting my family in mortal danger should it become public knowledge...


  • blondie

    I live in tornado country and have water, batteries, flashlights, dry food/canned food, and such items in the corner of the basement we hide out in. A battery radio and our important papers.

    Otherwise, I figure that roving hordes will invade homes and take away their supplies.

    Keep your vehicles fully gassed at all times is another good idea, especially in winter.

    Could you be more self-sufficient, orienteering, camping skills, maybe.

    Just be prepared for the disasters common to your area.


  • Qcmbr

    LT - the LDS have been teaching it for 60 odd years. Its to do with being self sufficient (if you lose your job you'll be able to eat well for a while - actually done this!!!) The prophet has been pushing it very strongly of late. If you notice we are quietly buying up huge tracts of agricultural land in Europe and the US. Of course there is teh tacit acknowledgment that these are end times so there is an obvious correlation. One of our previous prophets was heavily involved in distributing food after the 2WW - I think that image haunted him.

    Having food in times of dire need (ie society collapse)is probably secondary to the masses who will die of thirst or water borne disease - not nice. I guess anyone left would certainly want to 'share ' your food stocks! Yea its a risk but I guess we'll gather to the temples en masse if there ever was an armag scenario.

  • upside/down
    Do you think society is fragile and if so what do you do about that feeling? Me, I buy all sorts of weird stuff (eg dust masks - thanks 'Day after Tomorrow') and I'm working on getting a years supply of food

    Yes , society is fragile (ie. Rodney King, 9/11)

    Don't bother saving food.... bastards like me are meaner than you (having shed my kind JW shell) and would slit your throat in a hearbeat if it meant feeding me or you. And there's much worse than me out there... so we'd all be f*cked.

    Where's your FAITH!? JC wouldn't ever let that happen to one of his faithful... he can provide manna if you really need it.


  • Qcmbr

    Mormons own Utah - all the heathens would get wasted hehehe just kidding.

    What would I do if people came hunting for food..? I'd hope I'd have already legged it into the woods with food and water to wait it out.

    Society has so many risky areas from terrorists, avian flu, ebola, religious nutters storing food, global weapons, global warming etc.. maybe we are living in a golden age before we really cock it all up.

  • Qcmbr

    ..had to laugh...

    I posted this while surfing the net for arctic weather gear for my 72 hour pack - how ironic and I never even connected the two... I'm going slightly mad

  • Qcmbr
    Qcmbr the way does anyone know where I can get (online) reasonably priced high quality arctic weather gear - the furry hood stuff - serious question!!!

  • LittleToe

    So you expect a one year "tribulation" before a rapture?

    Anyhow, there's a few million years to go before the sun goes nova

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