In 2003 a elder who happens to be the p.o. of my wife's congregation visited me, a real nice guy, but I knew he had gotten the letter from the borg. Anyway like I said a nice guy he promised to call again real soon that was prior to the memorial of 2003, well the memorialo of 2005 has come and gone and he still hasn't come back to visit. Another elder there that I had recently met and who was "friendly", asked my wife the other day how Ralph was? My wife of course was startled and wanted to know who Ralph was, he of course thought it was me, he supposedly cared so much he didnt even know myh name crazy huh? buff
Do elders/PO's really care?
by buffalosrfree 21 Replies latest jw friends
the good life
The person I studied with was an elder and as soon as he saw that he wasn't going to get me to drop my worldly friends he became a real jerk. I told him that I knew many JW's in So CAL where I grew up and that my worldy friends were saints compared to them. He basically called me a liar. (I was not lying, the JW's I knew in CA should be DF'd for loose conduct of all kinds but I didn't know anything about the religion when I was partying with them and so I had no way of knowing that they were hypocrites, living a double life.) After that even though I was still studying, he would put me down in front of the other JW's that had befriended me and say stuff like "oh watch what you do around Drew he thinks we're all hypocrites"so I just finally decided that this religion with all it's fake love they neighbor was BS and quit stydying. He never called me again---so my answer would be no, they don't really care, at least this jerk doesn't
Just to clarify, I do not think all JW's are hypocrites, I'm sure there are many who stay faithful
Samuel Thorsen
They do care about their title and the power that comes with it. Not much more.
I think they are to busy with visible and mesurable things like doing speeches and
collecting hoursfield service.Showing real love doesn't count when the co is checking the numbers twice a year.
Impossible to generalise of course about the personality traits of all elders, as each have their own motivations for becoming one. Some of course over time become jaded, and perhaps feel trapped in this profession...others are in it for the status...and others are in it genuinely because they believe it's their calling and they can make a contribution. I have met a few very genuine (although perhaps a little misguided) elders in my time, I have met several more of whom I have very little kindness to attribute...
Growing up, I knew of some elders that really did care, but they were in Missouri and Hawaii. H***** Manning and M*** Wilson in Bowling Green Missouri were awesome men, always concerned about the well-being of those in the congregation. B**** Kawano in Hawaii was our bookstudy conductor who was one of the nicest guys I've ever met. He always went out of his way to talk to me and my family when we were considered "weak". He even encouraged me to continue being a good kid when my dad was being totally psychotic and abusive, to "not let him get the best" of me. I'll never forget he wrote me a letter when I graduated high school, telling me how he wished I was his daughter and to keep my chin up...that no matter what he was proud of me and so was Jehovah. It's really amazing how much of an impression kind words can make on a soul. Brother Kawano's words were written to me 15 years ago and I still remember them and the effect they've had on me.
Now, the Lynwood congregation in Wichita Kansas - a very different story. I can't remember one elder there that was genuinely concerned about anything beyond their personal agenda. I cringe when I think of that congregation. Honestly, they were modern day Pharisees.
I agree that some do and some don't. Burn-out has to facter into the equation. They're just men, with an imperfect set of guidelines to follow, who are directed to do things by the WTS that have to sear their conscience and heart. Others seem to never have had much love, only a strict sense of how everybody should be (like them) and a contempt for those weaklings who can't cut the mustard.
It's my feeling that all JW's have too much that is required...that they are forced together so much and that so much time is spent on meetings, service, study, family study, with everybody being exhorted to watch/spy on each other, that I think the love kind of gets sucked right out...elders (who have even more duties....I mean, priviledges) and regular grunts alike.
I've heard that Pioneers can get very bitter about the fact that they are spending so much time in service, sometimes working part-time jobs that leave them with nothing extra and even in debt. They look at the rest of the congregation as a bunch of slackers. Hard to love people that you think are lazy, selfish and hedonistic.
I believe there are many that care just as I believe there are many that believe they have the "truth." I also believe the higher up go in the "organization" you change from a caring role to a damage control role.
Impossible to generalise of course about the personality traits of all elders, as each have their own motivations for becoming one. Some of course over time become jaded, and perhaps feel trapped in this profession
Unfortunately I have to agree with this one. I think that perhaps 50% of them feel this way. 40% are in in it for prestige and power (power over whom/what exactly?) the remaining 10% are kind, caring people who really believe they were appointed by god to do good. Poor deluded people...... of course these are rough percentages. Could be more or less either way but you get my point yes?
The WT yoke is not the kindly, light one that Jesus said to come to for refreshment. Instead it is unscriptural, burdensome, fear oriented and unloving. Many elders can barely make ends meet and keep up with their families and their ridiculous man made religious requirements much less try to keep track of other beaten down and trodden people. I am not trying to justify this, simply stating what I see as the situation for many JW elders. Its really sad but the whole elder arrangement is a sham!
Some do but I don't think they are valued highly by the elders that don't. It makes them look bad.
Don't help Brother Sad, we already have and you can't help him.
Brother ReallySheperd, you have to be sure you don't burn yourself out or neglect your family calling on all these people. They can drag you down.
Brother Eager, we have noticed your assignments have been mailed in; perhaps you need to spend more time on your parts and less calling on people in the KH who have already refused the help of other elders.
Brother LovesPeople, we have noticed that you are spending more time calling on people who are already baptized. While you are making the national average, perhaps you could auxiliary pioneer using that time and to better advantage.
Brother RS, you have to be careful calling on single sisters with children, even with another elder. We find it is better to have the mature sisters help them.
When people start asking whether or not their spiritual leaders care about the flock they are entrusted with it makes you wonder if this religion is all that it claims to be. All active JW's really should use the bible to find out what it says about the love Jesus has for the church and His shepherds. Then take a long objective look at their own spiritual leaders and compare them with Jesus' loving example. A chasm indicates that something is not right about the religion, it's teachings, its example, etc.