Next Wednesday, give or take 3 days!
Do you think the world will end soon. If so, when?
by Rod P 74 Replies latest watchtower bible
Jehovah God will NOT punish humans. He is a LOVING GOD. He will correct our thinking and show us how to live in righteousness. JESUS CHRIST is the one to accomplish the Will of JEHOVAH GOD in the "KINGDOM OF GOD". Those that choose war WILL know the FEAR of GOD.
Satan, and men created wars and Jehovah made many attempts to correct their thinking by protecting the righteous, only until Jehovah is able to take over. This time is NOW.
The Faithful Slave
Next Wednesday, give or take 3 days!
This man is CLOSE in his thinking.
I guess all tyrants pretty much behave the same way.
God is not one to be mocked! Aside from this rebuttal I also believe what the Bible teaches about the end of the world of wicked mankind. When? I do not know but you can rest assured that the world as we know it does not have much time left due to the coming global energy shortage. Will this be the beginning of the Great Tribulation, IMO probably so.
Rod P
Naaah! It's a good thing you put in that 1975 date so we knew where you were coming from. Otherwise, a bunch of us here were gonna trounce ya! Heh..heh.
Of course you didn't put that on the dollar bill. But what exactly do those phrase mean in terms of a time frame? Were they looking to some far off future date for this One World Government, or was this something more to do about the time when it was first printed on the bill? I am very suspicous they were looking into the next millenium we now find ourselves living in.
I do not mock God. The problem I have is one of Scriptural Interpretation being imposed on this particular generation. It has been going on for centuries, and all have been proven false. And in the past 100 years or so there have been so many false dates and predictions by so many different professing Christians and Organizations all using their Bibles, that it is no wonder so many of us become skeptical about such predictions. So when do we get to listen to the next false prophesy. We all know the story of the boy who cried "Wolf!" Why isn't God straightening out all this mass confusion? It sure isn't being made clear from the Bible, because of those preachers who use it to predict wrong dates or times. So please do not blame us for being skeptical, and neither do I believe for a moment that God is going to condemn us for not believing, for precisely the reason I just stated. "God is not the author of confusion, but of peace."
The Word,
You better have a good long, hard look at your Old Testament about Jehovah. Then come back and show me where He does not punish humans. Start with the Flood, and then look at the Prophets (like Samuel). How about where Jehovah uses the wicked kings and their armies to inflict punishment and judgement on Israel. Oh, and while you're at it, tell me about all those innocent babies that were destroyed. After that, you can tell me about Jehovah's love. It makes me sick to my stomache to read all this stuff, and then talk about His Love.
Rod P.
Rod P, the time frame? Well, according to the number below the pyramid, it tells us it began in 1776. In order to have a one-world government, the international bankers will have to have complete sovereignty. How many countries remain independent? It was the International Monetary Fund that took over operations in Afagan., what about Iraq? They say they can take Iran with air weapons only. What are they doing in Iran?
What are your thoughts, I'm interested in knowing. Have a good day.
Golf -
Rod P
I have read a number of books on this whole subject and I find it very fascinating. However, I am reluctant to come to any firm conclusions for a number of different reasons. One is that there are many competing theories and scenarios about the end of the world than the One World Government. Secondly, the whole mindset surrounding Conspiracy Theories, together with a lot of "fringe loonies and fanatics" that are out there and connected with this, makes me not only nervous, but also wary. Some of it may be about connecting a lot of pieces of information together in history and politics on some kind of logic, and then coming to conclusions about it. It is kind of like "talking oneself into something", or just pure rationalization. The JW's have done this in spades with their many predictions about the end of this system of things, but all of them turned out to be wrong.
One of the things that jumps out at me about the split pyramid and the "all seeing eye" on the dollar bill, coupled with 1776, is that we are now in 2005 (almost 230 years later). I doubt very much that any of the founding fathers of America were envisioning some One World Government 230 years or more into the future. I rather it was more of a case like the Apostles of the New Testament times, who were anticipating an imminent return of the Saviour (but which, from hindsight, did not occur as anticipated).
Therefore, I am not prepared to hang my hat on this whole thesis, that the end of the "world" is about to happen.
Here's a very short list of the material I've read, "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G.Edward Griffin. "Pawns In The game" William" Guy Carr. "The Secrets Of The Federal Reserve" Eustace Mullins."America's Secret Establishment" Antony C. Sutton. "State Secrets" Count Leon de Poncins."Say 'NO' to the New World Order" Gary Allen. "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" Gary Allen. "Rothchild Money Trust" George Armstrong. "America's Secret Destiny" A Ralph Epperson."Fourth Reich Of The Rich" Des Griffin
What about you?
Golf -
I have observed people eagerly waiting the end of the world, and I have decided I don't want to be like them. There is something inherently wrong about rejoicing over the latest bit of bad news, the most recent evidence that our world is on decline.
I am for life, growth, and second chances.
I won't waste another brain cell on where our world is headed, unless I am part of making it better.
jgnat, to make a better world we need to be a positive influence for good. Evil surrounds us, what are people doing to make a better society? Are they going with the crowd or are they involved with groups who desire a better world?