Brooke, your song was great, I was thinking it should be sung to the tune of Dylan's Blowing in the Wind.
Do you think the world will end soon. If so, when?
by Rod P 74 Replies latest watchtower bible
No its the Annie Tomorrow Song!
Ok I just had a blonde(not blonde)moment and I am sure you knew it was that song.
Rod P
So what is it about all these Ex-JW's who, to the man or woman on this thread, seem, in their own individual way, cynical about the end of the world coming. Could it be that is part of our psychological profile? Maybe we should join "Skeptics Anonymous" and go thru a 12-Step program to cure us from that.
Rod P.
Maybe we should join "Skeptics Anonymous" and go thru a 12-Step program to cure us from that.
excellent idea!
or go get a book on critical thinking.
Rod P
I quite enjoyed your song. I actually sang Annies' tune right thru your verses to the end. Cool!
Been reading up on that Mayan Calendar and the Bible Code, have we?
I'll be the first to say YES. The federation of America and Israel will bring prophecy to a head. This Bush guy is the man of the hour, as goonish as he may be. Yes, the Christian right are doing all they can to usher in war (other side of mouth - peace and security) and God (yes, I believe in the Creator) is sitting back, allowing, watching, and laughing at all the scorners as they mock, as well as the WTS as they ridicule prophecy, God, and His son who died for you and I. Let God's will be done.
I liked your song but I liked your picture more. If you could sing the song I promise to listen to the end.
That is the end of the song not the world!
During the black plague of old seeing entire cities wiped out and famines where people were forced to eat their fellow humans, I'm sure the thought probably sprang to mind, "This must be the time of the end!" There's always this facination with the 'end', when the 'end' will come to flush away all the 'bad' people. Since you can only make decisions based on your own reasoning its a waste of the human experience to even bother thinking about some supernatural 'end' happening at all. If by some twist of f**ked logic the 'end' does happen, you did your best and you can't do anything to change things anyway.
whyamihere bad the pic is not (Look under my topics then you will see the "Real" Me!)
Shall I jump up and down while I sing?
Rod P
Do you think Noah thought it was going to be the end of the world when the big flood came?
What about the Jews when the Romans destroyed the temple in AD 70?
What about Ruwanda with the mass slaughter, killing utterly men, women and children on a genocide mission? How about Bosnia? Beirut? Vietnam? World War I and II? The Crusades, where the blood was running like a river in the streets? Anyone who was there would think they were in the middle of Armageddon and Hell. No, it wasn't the end of the "world" but it sure must have felt like it. Is there something in the human DNA that makes us all so violent and hateful?
Rod P.