Okay I read this QFR but missed an interesting point (I think) until the 4/15/05 WT Do You Remember section which references the 1/1/5 QFR.
WT 1/1/05 QFR: Does Stephen's exclamation at Acts 7:59 indicate that prayers should be directed to Jesus?
Par. 5 says this: "But, seeing the resurrected Jesus in vision, Stephen apparently felt free to appeal to him directly, saying "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." Stephen knew that Jesus had been given authority to raise the dead. (John 5: 27-29) He therefore asked Jesus to safeguard his spirit, or life force, until the day when Jesus would raise him to immortal life in the heavens.
WT 4/15/05 Do You Remember?
Bullet point #2: Does Acts 7:59 mean that Stephen prayed to Jesus?
[last sentence only] - So, Stephen asked, or appealed, to Jesus to safeguard his life force until the resurrection.
I have some questions:
1. Stephen didn't pray to God but talked with Jesus. However, prayers to God are like conversations (thus talking). This reminds me of the recent David and the showbread QFR. Yes, he did it but he didn't do it and don't you do it either.
2. I don't remember the society using the term "life force or spirit" in connection with Stephen before. I can't check my CD as stealthily as I used to. Can someone check this out?