It's amazing to me how one parent demonizes the other... saying how could I let my child be around them... (short of real abuse) the child is still BOTH of yours... like it or not, great parent or not. It's usually the highly religious mate that does the demonizing... ESPECIALLY WITH THE DUBS...
It is so PC to say something hubby is so bad.. he doesn't even GO TO THE MEETINGS and won't STUDY with my kids and other such nonsense... because no elder will argue with that. I've seen families ruined under the pretext of "spiritual endangerment", which in many cases only meant the hubby wasnt' going to let wifey continue to bounce checks all over town (goes for both sexes), I just happen to see WAY MORE "sisters" abuse this "arrangement". Talk about destructive behaviour... the hubby is denied his children and any decent standing in the congo and it just get worse from there...
These people are "game players"... I experienced this first hand... my wife claimed "abuse"... the elders just ate it up.
I'm so glad I'm free of their oppresive yoke... BASTARDS!
u/d (of the "abusive" hubby class)