How do you feel about elders DF'g a child of 13 or 14 for being a willing v

by frankiespeakin 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    Whole title:

    How do you feel about elders DF'g a child of 13 or 14 for being a willing victim of child abuse?

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    in the immortal words of metallica........

    KILL 'EM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bastards!!!

    luv, kitty

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I know of this girl that is 14 years old and nobody would ever know it by the way she looks and behaves.

    She could easily pass for 18 or 19 years old. She uses so much make up, is tall and very developed in the femenine sense, and dresses oh so very slutty.

    Yes, she was disfellowshipped recently for throwing herself continuously at a certain young brother until she made him fornicate with her. Good thing that he was disfellowshipped also.

    The parents of both parties are much to blame for this situation. Just no supervising or good parenting whatsoever!


  • frankiespeakin


    So you agree with disfellowshipping children???

  • nicolaou

    No way. Shouldn't baptise 14 year olds - shouldn't disfellowship them either. More cult behaviour.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    It varies from case to case.

    This particular case I speak of, both sets of parents along with all of their obsene-behaving offsprings, due to their un-religious-like behavior, had no business carrying the name of any religion whatsoever!

    All of them should've never been allowed to be baptized to begin with!


  • frankiespeakin

    I know of a case right where I live, a young girl was seduced when she was 12 or 13 by a MS, Her parents found out and went right to the elders, the elders called Brooklyn and then the police. Next they formed 2 committes and DF both the MS and the young girl who had just gotten baptized.

    Now I ask you where is the love for this poor abused child,,to make her go to meeting for months while she was being shunned before they reinstated her. All this was done with the WT's Service Departments knowledge,,as the elders have to contact bethel right away when these things happen. BTW it happened a few months after the Dateline special on WT and child abuse.

  • GetBusyLiving

    The same way I feel about everything in the JW's. It's messed up crazy bullshit. The parents deserve a big thank you for falling for the JW lies and steering their kids into a religious cult that they will find it very difficult to escape from.


  • vitty


    I thought in the USA they had statatory rape, if the girl is under 16 years, if its proved they had sex its mandatory he is charged with rape. Even if she consented

    In any case, the whole thing of shunning the disfellowshipped one is the key. They should be able to DFs if they need to, not that I agree with some of the reasons, but its the treatment of them after that is wrong.

  • minimus

    If the girl was seduced, it was not "willing". A young teen who becomes seduced is manipulated. On a different subject, I believe that there is responsibility that everyone has to own up to no matter what their age is. If a child murders another person, just because they're children, it doesn't absolve them of the act even if abuse occurred.

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