How do you feel about elders DF'g a child of 13 or 14 for being a willing v

by frankiespeakin 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • misspeaches

    Sorry JW Ben but your information is incorrect. You said

    Here in Australia it is not illigal for a 12 or 13 y.o to have sex with some one their own age. So a lot of children at that age are often sexually active and do know what they are doing.

    However just like the US and the UK and many other countries there is an age of consent here in Australia. The age of consent for heterosexual relationships in all Australian States and Territories is in fact 16 years old.

    I ask you to think back to when you are 12 or 13. Did you fully understand the responsibilities of your actions? Sure you might understand the whole process etc of sex but did you really fully understand. Children at 12 and 13 who appear to go around seducing people are STILL innocent. And if in fact they are displaying this sort of behaviour I suggest to you that they are seeking normal love and affection and are confused on how to achieve it.

    You may volunteer at a school with children these ages and I strongly doubt that you have observed the full situation. I personally find your comments to be shallow and inappropriate if this is the case.

    No JW is supposed to be disphellowshipped for an act. Yet it happens every day. This unjust unscriptural method the WTBTS employ is used more often than not on 'acts' as opposed to attitude. How do a group of men decide if a person is repentant?

    Children are innocent. If a child has lost their innocence then they are a victim.

    No child should EVER be shunned. I refer back to my comment about needing to feel love and affection. Do you think that if they are shunned that this could possibly help them or rather entrap them in a vicious circle of victimisation?

    Finally you mention that bodies of elders will be held accountable for their actions. I disagree. And in the meantime to many children and adults are being terribly hurt.

  • Dragonlady76


    I ask you to think back to when you are 12 or 13. Did you fully understand the responsibilities of your actions? Sure you might understand the whole process etc of sex but did you really fully understand. Children at 12 and 13 who appear to go around seducing people are STILL innocent. And if in fact they are displaying this sort of behaviour I suggest to you that they are seeking normal love and affection and are confused on how to achieve it.

    Thanks for stating the obvious here.


  • TheListener

    I'm just sickened that we have to even discuss this subject. I'm sickened that if your child at 12 or 13 or whatever age is df'd that you would actually treat them as spiritually dead until they are reinstated or die of old age. I'm especially sickened because I would have done the same thing only 2 years ago. I would have felt vindicated and would have been encouraged by my congregation.

    children should not be baptized. I read this here once: someone isn't old enough to get baptized unless they are also old enough to leave [the truth].

  • frankiespeakin

    I think the Governing Body is sending a loud and clear message in making policies that allow for minor aged victims of child sexual molestation to be DF'd. And that message is: "Don't report it to anybody,, or else you will be DF'd"

    Think of the effect that DF'ng a minor who has been abused has on the rest of the youngs ones. It will make them very afraid to report any abuse that has happened to them for fear they too will be DF'd. The GB is very very sneaky in this,, they are making it undesirable for a teenager to get help in this matter.

  • frankiespeakin

    I mean think of it,,if word gets out that you can be DF'd if your molested,,So a molested child then worries about what if word gets to the elders in my congregation, they will most likely DF me.

    Isn't that telling our youth in a indirect way to keep thier mouths shut!!! What child would now, even think of telling his parents, or the elders about the abuse?? You see the evil behind this??

  • love11

    I've heard enough- They are sick, sick people!!!

  • frankiespeakin


    I'm sorry this troubles you.

    I think the GB want things this way,,they want all the molested children inside the organization to keep thier mouths shut,,because they are only worried about lawsuits and not the children. Keep these children in fear until the statue of limitations run out. They are only covering thier own a$$ just like always.

  • love11

    Don't worry frankie you didn't say anything wrong, it's just when I here of children being mistreated it really gets under my skin. Thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention. Love

  • Aude_Sapere
    Yes, she was disfellowshipped recently for throwing herself continuously at a certain young brother until she made him fornicate with her. Good thing that he was disfellowshipped also.

    Sorry. A 14 year old child facing a life-time sentence of exile from her family - That is just plain criminal. It's child endangerment. It's abominable behaviour.

    It's criminal negligence. It's parents walking away from their children when they need them most.

    I remember when I was a teen, parents would talk about encouraging their children to get baptized so it would take pressure off the parents. The kids would then become the elders 'problem'. The parents who push their children into pre-/teenage baptism, in my opinion, are mostly trying to get out of their own god-given responsibilities.

    I am horrified that I ever went along with it at all.

    The longer I'm out the more upset I become with this action.


  • Dragonlady76
    I think the GB want things this way,,they want all the molested children inside the organization to keep thier mouths shut,,because they are only worried about lawsuits and not the children. Keep these children in fear until the statue of limitations run out. They are only covering thier own a$$ just like always.


    I would have to agree with you, it's emotional blackmail, the faithless and discreet slave are so sick and twisted, they care only about the $, not the human life they destroying.


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