To be a writer for the WT has be a very empty and unsatifying work asignment. Imagine having your hard work picked over and dumbed down to appeal to those with very limited education. How humiliating!
I bet every single writer for the WT organization has to regularly kiss the as of the GB either verbally or in thier writings and perhaps both on a regular basis. For it is very hard for me to even imagine that anyone can stay a writer if he didn't. The GB would never let that happen,, and why should they there are plenty more ass kissers to take thier place if they didn't.
Also look at the articles they write,,full of ambiguity and praise for the organization, decietful yet appearing truthful. This has to be a very unsatifying job one that over time makes one sick to his stomach. I bet many in the writing department suffer depression when they read thier own work, for they must really see the bull shit clearly and it must be very depressing.