No shit right Euph? I mean really.... the Dub's are so insane saying "no this verse is literal"...."yes that verse is figuratively"...."yes literal"..."no imaginary".....
......does not compute........does not compute......
They jump all over the bible and read partial verses and chapters to prove their points....wicked evildoers!
144,000 going to heaven, based on what??
by truth_about_the_truth 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No shit right Euph? I mean really.... the Dub's are so insane saying "no this verse is literal"...."yes that verse is figuratively"...."yes literal"..."no imaginary".....
......does not compute........does not compute......
They jump all over the bible and read partial verses and chapters to prove their points....wicked evildoers! -
How many times can my computer post that same post???? Sorry, I blame the hotel's internet connection.
The Elders wil apparently constitute a "chieftain class" on earth, ruled from above in an as yet unknown yet probably miraculous way by the 144,001.
Doesn't it sound like all of the faithful will take part in the first resurrection WITHOUT A SET NUMBER?
Yes, and not just what is called faithful by most but all those chosen from the earth and called sheep.
But going to heaven does not mean that they go somewhere else. Heaven is a Jewish term that stands for many things other than a place in the universe somewhere unknown to us. Thus heaven(ly) in many tests simply refers to something God given or greater, higher, better than what we now have such as a new body or government here on earth under which such resurrected ones will live. There never was a scriptural plan to take human beings and make them into something non-human. The 144,000 are simply administrators in such a heavenly arrangement or an essential part of such Government or Kingdom.
Joseph -
But going to heaven does not mean that they go somewhere else
That's right. Notice the Bible refers to the kingdom as the 'Kingdom OF the heavens" not "Kingdom IN the heavens".
We aren't going anywhere up there somewhere. We will experience unbelievable changes "in the twinkling of an eye" as the scripture says.
Almost sounds like quantum evolution, don't it?