Yes, as education, scientific research, archeology, etc. expand man's knowledge, I believe that the concept of a being the likes of which a "god" is constructed and believed in for same reasons will erode slowly.
As the previously-held beliefs are shown to be just men's fabrications, then people will (hopefully) start to be a little more discriminating of the things they hold dear strictly because of "faith" which, to me, seems irrational. Comforting to many but not all that rational or reasonable if you stop to examine and think about this stuff. It hit me when I finally read the bible cover-to-cover a few years ago. A dazed disbelief came over me after reading some of the stories. Between constant thoughts of "No way!" and "WTF?!?!" it was a sobering experience.
So many things in the bible are just dumb or concepts that are out-dated for thousands of years. They don't make sense, are generally impossible (Just for starters: one guy killing 7000 soldiers with a donkey's jawbone? I don't think so... ) but they served their purpose. At the time.
What makes me angry is my own complacency (borne of laziness, I must confess...) to just allow myself to be led by these teachings from birth. (I am not a JW but was raised catholic. The example is the same.) My parents and teachers told me it was so -- It must be true, right? I lived most of my life under the impression that all the biblical stuff had to be real because so many people I respected said it. Who was I to question them? But I suppose that is/was the product of their laziness and complacency in just accepting the irrational from people they respected and on and on ad finitum.
As discretion and actual thought will hopefully prevail, I expect a lot of the stuff that makes you go "Hmmmm..." will start to make people think and do some investigating which, again hopefully, will lead to rationality. Then control allowed by fear will be replaced by logic, reality and things being done because they are the right thing to do, not just because 2000 years ago some goat-herders wrote a book...