Do you miss feeling that "Jehovah" was listening to prayers?

by LyinEyes 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • JamesThomas
    ("Father" (or similar) is another alternative, if you don't like names and titles)

    I still pray, and use the word Beloved. The mind can not grasp it and sculpt and image; and rather than reaching outward toward something, there is a looking inward into the effervescent cool-warm sense of Being. Deeper into That, which is most close, intimate, and Real. And it is not so much around words anymore as around the wordless sense of being and existing. It can not be described, but we all know the sense of sweet alive existence and be-ing. It's like a total simplification. A falling into what is here when every thing -- is taken away.



  • outnfree

    Dede, (((hi, hon!)))

    I have found it beneficial, too, to just sit, breathe, and offer up my thanks, hopes, desires, and hurts to "The Universe", "Source", "Creator," "God/dess" as I begin my meditation (which is an almost daily thing now). It's important to me to trust my impressions, too. I know in another thread you mentioned sometimes feeling that your mother was near when you were outdoors sitting under a tree, that you thought you almost felt her touch. I would guess that you did, but that you don't trust your intuition yet, because as JWs such things were labeled demonic. Your mother may be trying to let you in on the fact that the JWs are wrong, wrong, wrong not to think that there is life after death elsewhere than on their "Paradise Earth." Now that she knows you are no longer a JW and open to the possibility. It has taken me several years to be brave enough to even post these types of thoughts or assertions, but they are what I know to be true based on some amazing personal experiences. Just sit outdoors as you like to and tune in to what you are feeling at the moment and see what happens. Keep doing so, and you will be amazed at how wonderful you feel and how certain you will be that "someone/thing" is out there listening and helping you to be more content, now.



  • JAVA

    Lyin' -- thanks for starting such a good thread, and the various posts are excellent, too.

    As a JW my prayers felt mechanical and more rote-like than from my heart. I'm not surprised when thinking about it because the religion is nothing more than going through the hoops, following the rules, and being mechanical. Why should prayers be any different?

    Prayer didn't do much for me as a JW, and I have little need for it today. That doesn't mean there's no value in prayer, because I believe the value is in the mind of the beholder. If one believes a higher power listens to prayers, it can bring comfort. It's great knowing that we don't need a religion or denomination to pray or not to pray.

  • LyinEyes

    When the day is said and done, I am at thankful that I have such great friends here. If there is a Higher Power or not,,,,,I am glad in what I know for a fact and that is we have each other. That was something that broke my heart when I left the borg. I truly loved the "brotherhood", and I still hurt over the ones who are still blinded , stuck in the JW's, those who will not speak to me anymore. It has been the greatest comfort, knowing that there are so many, ( and many more each day,,yeah!!!) who have left the borg, but still have the brotherhood, exjw that is.. That is what I am thankful for, and I truly believe that we are each here to help each other thru life and if there is a God, that is one of the greatest gifts He gave us, .. each other. I have enjoyed each of your responses and I am going to really do some meditating on things said , later tonite, when it cools today in Louisiana,,, and maybe the wind will blow.

  • wanderlustguy

    I love you woman, don't you let yourself get down make a difference and give so much just by being there. Sometimes it's hard for people to figure out whos carrying them...because they are too busy carrying others, I know because you damn sure carried my sorry ass at one point in time.

    Tell Denny I love him too, so he doesn't get jealous.

  • LMS-Chef

    I really believe if the prayer is from your heart it will be answered. I only say this because I have seen it in my life. Here is an example I unfortanatly started smoking again and i have been trying hard to stop but have been unsuccessful. I would stop for a little while then I would have one and it would start over again. I realized I could not do it alone, so as many desperate people do I prayed for help. I have also been keeping it from my wife because she would be very mad and hurt about it, not to mention I am a chicken. For hiding it from her I am very sorry. Anyway, tonight she caught me. She helped me the first time to stop and i did for many months. I know she can help me again. Did God answer my prayer. He didn't step in to stop it but maybe he sent my best friend to do it for him. I will not bore you with the rest of the stories.


  • LyinEyes

    Hugs Donnie, you know Denny and I love you right back, it was great talking to you tonite and no matter where you travel or go home to at night, these little back woods , red dirt roads will always be home . Hope to see ya soon,,,,,,,remember the Scarlet colored wild beast truck???????? OMG,,,,,,working in field service was always fun when we you were in our

  • Pistoff

    just2laws said:

    Now, as a non-religious person, I pray and I connect just as before, but not to a guy in the sky. I have grown spiritually and do not pray to an anthropomorphic god which has a name. I know serveral scientist who also pray but do not believe in the god of orthodox religion. It is beneficial for you and it has been documented to have good affect on others.

    I agree; once I realized that I did not have to be "completely sure" about who God was, and just relaxed and prayed, I was amazed by how it worked; I got the same relief and 'cared for' feeling.

    Try it; it's great.

    PS I am so glad to see you on here lyin; I thought about you just the other day and wondered where you were.

  • wanderlustguy
    remember the Scarlet colored wild beast truck????????

    Wait until you see it's replacement.

  • bikerchic

    I know what you mean Dede. A couple of days ago I found myself in despair and outside in the rain looking up to the dark sky and felt at such a loss (for a fleeting moment)......then I realized that even as a JW when I would pray to Jehovah I never really knew if he listened, but I felt better after pouring out my heart.

    So the other night I offered my heart and soul to the great big 'ol sky and guess what? I felt better! And guess what else, nothing changed no miracles, no Blotchtower magazine arrived in my mail box with an answer, no Elder called on me, and I didn't go to any meetings to receive yet no more answers.

    But I felt better!

    I actually discovered this technique while still a JW, if I journaled my feelings, just got them out I felt better and most of the time I would come to an answer on my own without Jehovah, so I began to rely less and less on Jehovah and more and more on myself to find my own way.

    Most of what seems to trouble me is out of my control just like with your niece, but it sure does feel better to just get it out of your system and blow off some steam, for me talking to the big 'ol sky or writing in a journal works. Also doing something nice for the family, going out of your way to help in some way will help you and them at the same time. Sometimes just a card does wonders to let them know you are thinking of them and have them in your thoughts and are sending positive energy their way.

    I have no faith in God so that's how I "pray" nowadays.

    Hugs and best wishes for your niece.


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