Please Help the Governing Body get Pychiatric Help for thier Delusions!!

by frankiespeakin 44 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • frankiespeakin

    I feel very strongly that the type of articles that the Governing Body has sponsered in the WT and OD book have everyone that is an old timer up in arms and that the Governing Body is surround by people that want to see them commited to a mental hospital.

    Many old timers who have been trapped in bethel will sieze the oportunity especially if the Governing Body keeps an enforced Blood ban, with the threat of being disassociated. I think by now many are thuroughly disgusted we the Governing Body over this,, They have being making beleive they were friends of the Governing Body only because they were trapped and now the time is almost at hand.

  • frankiespeakin

    I think the Legal department should not help the Governing Body in this matter. If they do they are helping crazy men kill many innocent people thru the blood ban, and destroying families,, every body has to draw the line somewhere.

  • frankiespeakin

    You know Rebel I wanted to know more about you so I click on your profile and them pasted your site addy in my brouser but it didn't show your site.

  • frankiespeakin

    I get the feeling that the Governing Body are in a pressure cooker right there among every one that knows them,,they are already found out to be serious frauds,, and they know it,,, and are very,, very,,, uncomfortable,,and are saying some very funny things,, that has every body that knows them worried.

  • frankiespeakin


    Did you ever meet Bishnu (Vishnu) and his wife they both worked at bethel Bishu worked at bethel as a psychiatrist I beleive or perhaps a step below one and his wife may have been the same.

  • jgnat

    What are the signs and symptoms of depression in the elderly?

    The following symptoms of depression are common in many older people:

    • agitation
    • anxiety
    • persistent, vague or unexplained physical complaints
    • memory problems; difficulty concentrating
    • social withdrawal
    • decreased appetite and weight loss or weight gain
    • sleep disturbances: daytime sleepiness, difficulty falling asleep, multiple mid-night awakenings, early morning awakening
    • irritability or demanding behavior
    • lack of attention to personal care
    • confusion, delusions or hallucinations
    • feelings of discouragement or hopelessness
    • sadness, lack of playfulness, inability to laugh
    • loss of interest in normally pleasurable activities; in ability to feel pleasure
    • prolonged grief after a loss
    • loss of self worth
    • reduced energy, fatigue
    • abnormal thoughts, excessive or inappropriate guilt
    • suicidal thoughts or attempts.

    If these symptoms persist every day for more than two weeks, depression well may be present.

  • frankiespeakin

    Thanks Jgnat,

    irritability or demanding behavior

    That must be happening right now,, just look at the WT articles and the OD book the evidence is all there that they must have a demanding attitude,, and I'm sure it is showing up all over the place making people edgy and worried if might get df'd for some infraction. They have given up so much to the organization they expect every one else to do the same with no mercy, a very heavy yoke. All thier friends know that the Governing Body would DF any one them if they posed a threat,, yeah I would say they are irritable and demanding.

    feelings of discouragement or hopelessness

    1914+ 91= 2005. They have run out of dates and a mass exodus is eminant, along with massive exposure in the sight of all thier friends,, that is all the people at bethel 99% of them,, will feel disgust at the GB,, yeah I would say as the realization sinks in they are "acutely" depressed and getting worse every day until they get psychiatric help and turn away from thier dellusions and face reality.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    The GB and all other JWs in power, starting with the C.O. and up. You know, those that see the $$$ benefit of the WBTS will not admit to any mistakes or anything that will disturb their cash flow and power over the masses.

    It's a business. It's a religious business.


  • frankiespeakin


    So from a purely business survival point of view,, many may rise up get rid of the Governing Body because they are a serious business risk? Which BTW I see the spliting up the organization into all these different groups,, a manuver of the GB into a trap, and then because the GB is so old they fell for every trick and are about to loose control and maybe even get thrown to the curb just like they did to Franz and Dunlap?

    They opened up the oganization to so many lawsuits that they will be despensed of somehow to keep the ship from sinking? Hey that very well could be.

  • frankiespeakin

    If you Governing Body members gave up trying to make beleive they are God's mouthpiece, and sought good psychological help you will have more friends in the end instead of waiting for everything to come crashing down around you.

    Give up the insanity do yourself and others next to you a big favor. Admit you made a big mistake and get psychological help,,save the lives of the poor people you have mislead with your lies. Be honest with your self first that is a very big step.

    Admit to yourself your not this special spokespersons for God,,the idea is a big monsterous lie you have decieved yourself with,, and this shoving any thought that tells you your not what you claim to be is causing you tremendous pain you can't keep it in and expect it not to effect you,,let go and let it out. When you can let honest thoughts come into your head you will be getting better but it will be painfull,, in the pain you will learn something very valuable if you allow it.

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