Please Help the Governing Body get Pychiatric Help for thier Delusions!!

by frankiespeakin 44 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • frankiespeakin

    I don't want to sound like an alarmist but, you higher ups at bethel,,,you do know that the Governing Body are not "really" the Spokesperson for Jehovah, don't you?? I mean if you rubs shoulders with these guys day in and day out you must know by now,,, right?? Or maybe the GB are keeping pretty much to themselves these days trying to fight off depression?

    So how far are you willing to let the Governing Body go,,I mean how many more people have to loose thier lives because of thier bullsh#t?? I think you would stop them if they woke every one up in the middle of the night to insist that everyone drinking cyanide laced coolaide,, to prove thier loyalty to jehovah,, but must it really go that far before you stop these obviously mad men?? Who desparately need Psychiatric help.

  • rebel8

    Frankie, here's the linkie:

    I plan on putting book info there as soon as it's published...which will hopefully be pretty's been a long, tedious process. It does not tell any stories of patients I treated though, because that would be disrespectful of their privacy. The stories I could tell though...

    It's a self help book for emotional healing for xjws.

  • frankiespeakin


    Nice job! I like your site very informative. I'm sure a good lawyer would find this info very helpful in a lawsuit. All they need is to get some bound volumes of the books you quote and have the GB take the stand while it is read. Now that would be something calling the GB to testify in a lawsuit or even a criminal trial.

  • frankiespeakin

    Hey you that have a measure of control in Bethel,, I don't know if your interested in saving inocient lives and freeing the friends from the oppression of the tiranical control of the GB,,So if your main concern is money and seeing the Organization $urvive then think $eriously about the grave finacial risk these OLD DELUSIONAL MEN on the Governing Body are putting the Organization in!!!$$$!!!,, With all the lawsuit$ they have generatted,, with even still more to come!!!!. These guys are too old and set in thier archaic ways to properly manage a busine$$ ,, they make far too many mistake$(Donald Trump would have canned thier a$$e$ long ago if they worked for him),, get them committed,, retire them from thier posts before it is too late! Look at the stupid paper trail they have left where all thier underhanded tactics are so clear to see in a court of law that will easily get them convicted of fraud and maybe even do prision time. Remember the human race is evolving and so is our society((we are no long in the savage biblical times)) they are starting to let religious leaders be held accountable,, its getting harder and harder to hide behind a religion. Time will soon be here when the courts no longer feel that the top leaders of the different WT corperations are untouchable!!! I think you know what I'm talking about. It's comming faster than you anticipated so you have to act now before it really is too late.$$$$$$$$$$

  • frankiespeakin

    I think it would be good if the members of the Governing Body were called personally to testify in court in some of these up and comming cases even if they plead the fifth through out thier testimony(which they really should but,, somehow I don't think they are smart enough to figure this out and will probably not trust his attorneys). You know these guys are old and will slip up almost with every question asked by the attorney because of all the info avalable on the INTERNET, they have a gigantic testimony to chose from with many people willing to testify and it is all thanks to the internet.

    I know legal council would never agree to allow any GB member to tesitfy in a case were they are the accused, but what if they could be forced to testify in court for some other matter where thier testimony would be need to show the fraudulent nature in which the GB operates,,what if all of them were summons to testify??? Couldn't that testimony be later used against them in a criminal case where they are the defendent, and perhaps almost force them to testify(against attorneys council) in thier own trial?? Oh that would be so revealing. And then have the court records on a website for all to see. I think that would be very good and be helpful in getting the vast majority deprogramed.

  • frankiespeakin

    In the Governing Body's case if it ever went to criminal trial I think they would have a hard time finding an ubiased jury,, that may take a little time with a lot of argueing back and forth,,, which might make the jury more prone in a certain direction as I recall the jury pool is present to hear the attorneys argue durring picking. I think an open and shut case with a quick return of a guilty as charged, perhaps in less that 3 hours deliberation by the jury,, the case will be that good.

  • frankiespeakin

    I also think that since part of the trial will deal with the issue of psychologial mind control,, this will make some of the jury frightened to take seriouly anything these attorneys from the "mind control cult" say or do for in the back of thier minds they fear that they might get programed a little bit, it will definately make them untrusting,, this will have also have an effect on the judge to some degree,,but mainly to see the hypocracy of the GB. As the jury listens to the "mind control cult" attorneys reasonings they will get totally disgusted,,and see the fraudulant nature of the whole thing. It won't take a rocket scientist to see the damage they have caused by outright fraud.

  • frankiespeakin

    The GB will no doubt make appeals but such appeals will be devastating to the mental and physical health of every member. This can esculate to extreme psychosis, not only for them but family as well becuase they will return to bethel exposed and very agitated.

  • frankiespeakin

    I'm sure some court records with word for word testimony given by different Governing Body members will be plastered all over the internet. When that happens and everything they said in court will become comon knowledge.

    The betrayal the friends will feel because of being duped by these men will make them object of scorn by 95% percent of JWs all around the world. They may even find themselves outside of bethel,, kicked out by crafty men whom they trusted but now have turned into viscious enemies. May be karma really happens and they will get the same treatment they have given others namely getting kicked out of bethel with nowhere to turn except the welfare office in the state to which they migrate.

  • frankiespeakin

    Well It is about 9:15 PM in New York, so I think I'll bump it to the 1st page now.

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