Please Help the Governing Body get Pychiatric Help for thier Delusions!!

by frankiespeakin 44 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • talesin

    You have some good points, Frankie. I've been watching the thread, and I agree w/ many things you have said. But will it ever happen? Ah, there, I think, we will both be a bit disappointed, don't you think?

    It's good to have dreams, though, heheh, doncha know! T'would be nice, wouldn't it, if they would 'wake up' they way you have described? heheh ... we can only dream, hon!



  • frankiespeakin


    But will it ever happen? Ah, there, I think, we will both be a bit disappointed, don't you think?

    I don't think I will be disapointed, I tend towards the OMG will be my opinion of the final outcome.

    Intuitively speaking: The religious climate is changing and countries are not letting religious frauds hide from prosecution,, I really think those days are at thier end. The Catholic church is getting sued,, now they are the biggest and oldest so if the Catholic Church has lost its freedom from prosecution what chance does a puny religion like the WT stand a chance. This thing with the Catholic Church marks a turning point in history just like womens rights that were won in the last century. The Governing Body is now so afraid of being sued that it split up into all these organizations,, their fear is warented but in the process they inadvertantly fell pray to those that are skillfully in thier next moves to take control,,these guys are old and frightened which makes them easy pray to sceamers in thier mist. They can't think very fast, they are rigid in thier imagination and are not creative, they will never meet the challedges they face now or in the future the organizations is doomed if they stay in power, which they won't.

    It's good to have dreams, though, heheh, doncha know! T'would be nice, wouldn't it, if they would 'wake up' they way you have described? heheh ... we can only dream, hon!

    Nice thought thank you.

  • avengers
    End the suffering by making them all get the help that they need,, so we can be reunited with our families.

    Sounds good, but will it happen? They don't really care about us. (oops. Michael Jackson's words)

  • frankiespeakin
  • frankiespeakin

    You know I only got about 700 hits on this thread. I think some of those hits were from the Legal department at Bethel and some from some old timers close to the GB. Maybe some from those bethelites whose family is providing a computor and an private internet service. I'm positively sure ther are many COs and DOs who feel the Governing Body should not dictate internet usage in thier own case and are sneaking off to the internet because they "smell something fishy" about the Governing Body's stand on internet warnings and so are curious and are finding out how terribly they were duped..

    Would any of those knowledgeable about Psychology like to give us possible reactions of an older Governing Body member threatened with exposure might be?What kind of Psychosis they may be experiencing and how dangereous it could be with reguards to loss of innocient lives????

  • frankiespeakin

    Anyway with all these people in Bethel that know the GB are sharlatans, but have to "pretend" to not know to save thier own skin,,the feelings of disgust are still present,, even when they are smiling to the GB. And these feelings can be sensed and it is causing emotional pain for all the GB,,they know deep down inside that almost everybody in Bethel knows they are terrible frauds and that pain keep surfacing and causing them to act very strange at times.

  • frankiespeakin

    I don't know but this is what I think denial does to the human spirit and the amount of emotional energy needed to deny the obvious.

    Every time they look in the mirror or some other occasion when the reality of it,, wants to show its ugly head,,, they shove it down into the unconscious, to further torment them later again and again.

  • frankiespeakin

    They Deny the Obvious so thier view of reality is obviously twisted to great lenghts. Wierd man wierd. Thier mind has been conditioned to never look very far they lack creativity and therefore can not deal with what is coming because they are old and set in thier ways and can not think very clear any more because of fear and pain.

  • frankiespeakin

    I'm sure many people all a round Governing Body are in a lot of pain,, sort of like a pressure cooker. They have put up a fight as they face the inevitable exposer as frauds no more a position of honor among Jehovah's Witnesses huge loss of a$$e$t and prestige.

  • Sparkplug

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