After 10 years of employment, I was terminated today!

by TresHappy 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • TresHappy

    Well it finally happened. I was summoned in the office today and told I was being fired and if I could I could a sign of letter of resignation. I didn't because I want to get unemployment. Anyway, I am letting you guys know so I can vent this...

    I was tired of driving 80 miles round trip every day to my job and I didn't like 2 of my superiors. Unfortunately I pissed one off enough that they let me go...I won't go into the details because they are still fresh in my memory!

  • EvilForce

    Well usually these things work themselves out for the best and when you look back at them 6 months or a year from now, you'll say it was the best thing that could have happened.

    At least you saved your unemployment benefits!!! Congrats. Take 2 weeks off and do nothing to decompress before starting to look for a new job.

  • ScoobySnax

    Look after yourself Treshappy, and take a couple of weeks breather.


  • Carmel

    Dang! At least you can be anywhere in GB by driving 80K. Wish you the best! If you don't want to decompress, don't! I don't hanker to that laid back, "find myself" approach, then again, much of my selfworth is tied up in the work I enjoy...



  • kwintestal

    Tres Happy,

    Sometimes when you really hate certain aspects of your employment, leaving is the best thing you can do. Hopefully it will be a good change for you.

    From personal experience I had 3 supervisors that I could not stand. I put up with their constant BS for 6 months. I was stressed every day and got to the point where I didn't care anymore and couldn't take it, so I started sabataging operations. I got suspended for a week (with pay ... you call that a punishment???) and then shortly after I went home one night and never went back ... Didn't call them or anything. That was after 5 years. I was much, much happier after that. Now, I have a much better job and earn $20K a year more.

    Luckily I could prove that I was stressed so had no problem getting Employment Insurance.

    I guess what I'm getting at, is sometimes losing or giving up a job can be a good thing in the long term.

    Good luck TH!


  • HadEnuf

    Keep your chin up Tres. My son lost his job earlier this year and lived at home on unemployment for a few months. He just got a new job; starts Monday. His other job was a lot of travel and he didn't really like it...but when he got "terminated" he was really depressed for a while. Now he has a new job, a new outlook and hopefully HE'LL BE MOVING OUT!!

    As mentioned before...I hope you find yourself in a better situation than you had, working with people who are decent and easier to be around.

    Hang in there ...Cathy L.

  • Preston

    I'm sorry Tres....

    I hope you find something closer...

    - Preston

  • kls

    That is sad but maybe you now can find a job closer with people you can stand.

    My best to you

  • TresHappy

    Well I am telling what happened. Two weeks ago I went on line at home and found out about public access in counties. Did you know many counties put your social security numbers online in documents filed at the county! I found my social security number online and was floored. I told some people at work about it and one of the girls said well if you find anything let me know. So I found her divorce decree online and told her about it...instead of her taking that as information she viewed me being nosey and contacted personnel. They did an investigation said I was using the school Internet for unauthorized use...BS...everyone does it. I just pissed the wrong person off...I am devastated but also relieved. I was driving way too many miles to work and now I can concentrate on me. I plan on filing unemployment tomorrow and getting my personal items.


  • buffalosrfree

    being fired can be fun and an enriching experience, I was fired once, and it brought a lot of relief, it did however, cause me to bring out the bad side for awhile, i had offered to open a can of whip ass on two of the supervisors there, they of course declined, but made the mistake of coming up to me and pushing me in chest and thats all it took to open the can, was a very good experience for me, not for them, afterward to ensure that they didn't bring charges against me I called police and told them that they tried to gang up on me, used physical violence and that i had to beat the s**t out of them. Yes I really did enjoy being fired from that job, it was extremely stressful anyway, and they were not appreciative of my efforts i never went to lunch and never took breaks. Just goes to show you can't please everyone.

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