Who know's about the founder of the JW being seventhday adventitous

by mormon 4 life 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • steve2
    Russell didn't found the Jehovah's Witnesses. RUTHERFORD founded the Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Try telling that to Russell's ex-wife who was booted out and defamed by her egotistical husband because she tried to assert herself and actually had the temerity to question his authority! Russell gave birth to the baby and incubated it in an atmosphere of elite sectarianism. Rutherford came along and simply taught the child a few new tricks.. that's all. Both men were narcissists who tried to position theselves as God's authority on earth and they vigorously put down anyone who dared question their authority.

  • greendawn

    As far as I know Russell having left the Presbyterians first and then the congregationalists, he associated with various adventist groups and was influenced greatly by Wendell, Storrs and Stetson. But he later developped some ideas that were at variance with the adventists and thus broke off and formed his own group around 1880.

  • Abaddon

    Mormons... hmmmm... yup, so let me get this right, when you die if you're a good mormon you go to your own planet with a passle of wives and produce spirit babies who are born in the flesh on another planet you are effectively god of... and the AmerInds are displaced Israelites...

    ... funny how there isn't a shred of evidence for the latter... I mean, one wouldn't expect a shred of evidence for the go planet baby stuff, but NO evidence of the Israelite's being the ancestors of the AmerInds???

    Or have those doctrines now gone the way of the 'black people don't get to the highest level' doctrine?

  • stevenyc

    Check out the timeline for a quick reference.



  • Glofishy

    yup, so let me get this right, when you die if you're a good mormon you go to your own planet

    Can I get Endor?

  • steve2

    Please! I can't cope with the prospect of choosing whether to live forever on just one planet without another exclusivist religion coming along and offering the prospect of several planets. Way too much choice!

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