I WAS TOLD THAT HE WAS THAT'S WHY THYE HAVE THE SAME DOCTRINE.........................................
Who know's about the founder of the JW being seventhday adventitous
by mormon 4 life 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Charles Russell had close ties to and was very much influenced by various adventist movements that were active in his day, all of which were descendents of the Millerites, you can read more about them here:
So yeah, pups from the same b!tch
mormon4life, I know that Barry already posted to you that Charles Taze Russell was associated with Second Adventists. The SDA is a cousin in the sense that they all came out of the Miller movement. BTW, your attempt to appear being a bad speller (or typist) is not very realistic. Take if from an old professional proofreader who has seen ever natural mistake.
The WTS definitely has adventist leanings but are not SDA.
You might be interested in this website containing the writings of some of those Second Aventists.
I thought Russell was Seventh Day Adventerous.?????
Integ ..
I think that was the name of Chuckie's dad's company "Seven Day Adventures tour company". The one that made them rich enough to start a printing empire that has become the JW's. I hear that in 1850 the Seven Day Adventures tour was quite the trip, with real life treaty-fied Indians, the occasional Unionist incounter and everyone's favorite, the White Water Bathtubing.
BTW, I'm more then likely cursed now because I just responded directly to your 666th post. Eek. My hair just fell out. And it was the last one too.
Kwin - Still wondering wtf is going on with this mormon guy
I thought Russell was Seventh Day Adventerous ?????
He was at one time and had a disagreement with his buddy so they split. But the 1914 doctrain was thought up by Russell's friend. Russell took it and started the WTS with it and made a Fortune .I was one of the 6 million idiots who thought it was true. So glad I woke up!
I could sure use one of those Seven Day Adventures tours right about now.
You might find the following thread of interest.
I once proofread a translated paper (not-WT) in which the French translator consistently wrote "seventh-heaven adventists"; as the "seventh heaven" is an essentially sexual metaphor in French (I'm not sure in English) the result was hilarious.