Further to Blondie's comment, just this week, I accidentally mentioned Russell's vaccine comments to my mother. Well after looking shocked, and critical, she asked where I got that. I told her from the WT publication. She then asked where I got it as "you know on the Internet there are apostate renditions of them. You do know what an apostate is don't you." (Can I begin to roll my eyes now?) So I guess the official dogma is, don't try and obtain "older" books off of Ebay or any place else, they come from apostates.
Does that kind of limit how far back you can go? It's also quite convenient for the WT to ban obtaining books this way, that makes them near impossible for Joe Publisher to get their hand on them and check for themselves the information. I would think doubting Joe Publisher would be more inclined to look at older issues of the WT publications then for instance any other "apostate" book. Makes you wonder, if the WT really wants publishers to actually research their own history, or just rely on their interpretation of it?
Naa don't bother answering that one, we know the answer already.
On a side note, she also didn't know about accepting blood fractions. Go figure.