95storm, when I got dunked in 1992, they took your name, congregation, date of birth, and some other info I can't remember before they'd let you step near the baptismal pool. A very clever person might be able to con their way into getting baptized at a larger convention, but I doubt it. Everything is soooo carefully watched and orchestrated at conventions. And no way would you get away with it at an Assembly Hall. "I'm sorry, what was your name brother? And what congregation are you with? I don't see your name on the list from your congregation...."
How far back are j.w.'s allowed to research the w.t. doctrine?
by hubert 35 Replies latest watchtower bible
In some of the congregations (but not all), you could be disfellowshipped for (discussing) with others in the congregation, about what you may have read in some of the older publications. You could be acussed of causing (divisions) and (promoting) creature worship, or apostasy.
Here is a quote:
Creature Worship
What Happened to the
Studies in the Scriptures ?In 1886, The Divine Plan of the Ages, the first volume of the series Studies in the Scriptures was released, in later years five more volumes would be released, some fifteen million copies were distributed during the authors lifetime.
Shortly after the death of C.T. Russell, his books were replaced with the writings of J.F. Rutherford. Rutherford's books were eventually replaced with books by succeeding leaders. Why were Russell's books replaced? According to the book "God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached" [WtBTS, 1973, p. 347] Russell's books were promoting
creature worship. Thus the Watchtower Society stated "... in the year 1927 any remaining stocks of the six volumes of Studies in the Scriptures by Russell ... were disposed of among the public" [ibid, p. 347]http://www.biblestudents.net/food4jws/wt_history/sits.htm
One of the hypocritical facts about all of this was, the Watchtower continued to (sell) the (Studies in The Scriptures), which they claimed (promoted) creature worship, all the way into the 1970s!
I remember the boxes of old watchtowers and books from Bro Russels time that my grama had in her basement. Apparently they belonged to my dad who researched JW thoroughly and was DF'd as an apostate.
I remember my mom saying that the society didn't recomend reading the very old literature because it may "stumble" some. At that time the "finished mystery" book was still being used to study with newly interested ones after studying the "truth" book. It's funny they weren't concerned over stumbling some with that highly delusional book.
In some of the congregations (but not all), you could be disfellowshipped for (discussing) with others in the congregation, about what you may have read in some of the older publications. You could be acussed of causing (divisions) and (promoting) creature worship, or apostasy.
Voyager, I was wondering about this.
Thanks for the links, also.
Here is what I feel the general Dub population would say:
First; who has time to research! Are you kidding me I can barely read the new sh%%t
Second; You can research on any subject back until the light was different. If you quote an old mag or book in a talk or dicussion it's ok as long as it supports the current teaching. So you can research different subjects to different time periods. that way the dubs feel like they can research whatever they want, but they know they don't want to confuse themselves with old informaiton and look stupid.
I was told by an elder that if somebody lived by what was taught in earlier years they would be disfellowshipped. Now ask yourself: how could this be truth if this is so??