I remember having a return visit on this older lady when I was just a youngster. She was nice and always talked to me. One day she stated that she & her parents used to study with the Bible Students when she was younger and that she knew very well who Pastor Russell was (and I barely knew who he was at that time...ha ha ha). She took me to her garage and showed me the boxes of books and old Watchtower and Golden Age magazines she had...all the way back to the 1910's/1920's. I thought that was real cool. She said that the next time I came she'd have some out and cleaned up for me to look at, etc. I was so excited. When I got back to the car group I told my dad about it and he came unglued! He said that I was NOT to go back to that lady's house and that I was not to look at any literature that she had, because she was obviously one of the Evil Slave class, because she & her family were not JWs. I couldn't understand why the books would be wrong to look at, since they were early literature of the JWs, but later, as an adult, I understood the paranoia. After all, so many of the older books and teachings can be 'weird', as well as possibly conflict with current teachings. As I did research later as an adult, I found those things out. So, according to my dad at the time, the "old light" was EVIL!