Update - 5/28/05
An elder from Darling Husbands' old KH came to the house today. He called over the fence and he said he had heard we lived here and just wanted to stop by and say hi. Darling husband hasn't been a part of this congregation for over 15 years.
Now please keep in mind we have our 2 sons and my best friends 2 sons were here too because my best friends sister died ..... and it was just crazy. I couldn't swear and curse the way I really wanted because I had 4 little sets of ears nearby.
Darling husband went to take care of our dogs because they decided they had a taste for Jehovahs Witness and really wanted to eat this guy.
Let me state for the record....This elder is a big a**hole. When darling husbands grandmother died a few years ago he turned the funeral into a bible study. It was disgusting...especially since Darling husbands grandmother hated the JW's!
So I again.....took care of things.
I told him that I had told the other JW's not to come to my house and he is no friend of ours so he is not welcome here. I said that my husband didn't even like this man and I know he's not a friend to us because I have been married to Darling Husband 7 years and I have never once seen him in our home or ever heard him call our home or express any concern towards us and our family.
I told him to leave and do not come back - that I had sent a letter to New York and he needs to leave our family alone. He is not welcome here.
Darling husband is very irritated. I think my mother in law and the other elders all have a hand in this...I am so pissed.
When will they just leave us alone?