I did not include Darling Husband's signature on the letter I sent. I could have been dishonest and done that but didn't feel right as I want to do his Disassociation or "leave me alone" letter on his own time.
I agree this Elder in particular probably thinks I am just the mouthy wife. I really hate this guy...I know hate is completely unuseful. He ruined Darling husbands' grandmothers funeral turning it into a book study. All the non-witnesses were completely disgusted. They even handed out tracts! Bleck!
Darling husband is going to have to do something because I am not going to be a prisoner in my own home and I am not going to play nicely any longer.
I will be filing a formal complaint and asking for some kind of harrassment charge against this Elder. I am sick of these people trying to interfere in my life.