Sometimes I'm so ashamed of being male -
Why are men responsible for most rapes, paedophilia, pornography, abuse, criminal behaviour, war, bullying etc..?
If women (on average) were as physically strong as men would they be responsible for 50% of the above or is it something to do with men?
Why are men so bad?
by Qcmbr 38 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I must confess at times I am ashamed to be male - it is not enough to just say it is Testosterone - because we all have it. I really think things would improve if there were more women leaders, priests, elders etc
Are we really men and women? Only a fool would ask such a question; which gives me carte blanche.
Certainly there are physical bodies which almost always express with specific gender. But, is that what I am?
On close observation, the consciousness which looks out these eyes (That, which is by far the closest, most immediate and essential, innermost essence of what I am) does not consider it self any thing. In fact, It, doesn't consider; It, doesn't think; It, doesn't feel.
It, sees all these things, considerations and thoughts, emotions and senses, however, it is clearly not, these things because they can all be observed and objectified.
So, if I am not male or female, not body and mind, what am I?
Perhaps I am everything; and -- perhaps I am no thing at all.
I think it's basically our nature. From the begining of time. Nimrod disease. He was the one the scriptures refer to as being in opposition to Jehovah. Something about the gang mentallity as well. When we get together in groups, it appears that we can become even more encouraged to do evil. I believe every conciveable thing of horror that has been done thru mans hands, lives within all men, it just hasn't had an opportunity to be brought out of us.
Hitler, Mussolinni, Pol Pot, Sadaam Husein, are all examples of the terror that can be brought out of we humans.
Our conditioning, our background, our envioronment all make a difference as well. Were we raised as Islamic fundamentalist, we to could find it possible to sever the heads of innocent individuals, regardless for their political or religious persuassion.
It exist in nearly everyone, I believe. Even me. Conscience is what prevents many of us from acting on it, that, and the fear of a long prison sentence with someone named Night Train.
James Thomas-I think I will stick with "perhaps I am everything." When I ponder on my thoughts and those of the other gender, we are so different and yet so the same. It makes exchanging and loving people so much more pleasant when I can see that there are not the great divides that the mind can conjure up. Just a mess of us just being.
Qcmbr- Glad to see that you are not happy with all that is going on. I would be afraid if you were proud of such acts.
I do think though that women are just as capable of causing such vile acts of debasedness. (Is that a word?) It has been said that BEHIND every war, second morgage and _______(Filll the blanks)_______ there is a woman. No offense ladies, but we can be some devious lil gals and blame it all on the man. For after all.. BDA's Gals...BDA's.
Men seem so bad because historically they have had the power, physical, monetary, etc. As women have gained power, they have had equal opportunity to abuse it.
I think too that in many cultures, men have to prove their manhood by an exercise of power. Women don't have to prove their feminity that way.
Below is a song from Sting. The album : The Soul Cages
Jeremiah Blues part1
The words highlighted reflect my feelings specifically as to the evil that exist in man.
The entire album is a haunting reflection of a man in a desperate search for God, spirituality and the whys and wherefore to life. It is an accurate marker in my life where I now am.
It was midnight, midnight at noon
Everyone talked in rhyme
Everyone saw the big clock ticking
Nobody knew the time
Elegant debutantes smiled
Everyone fought for dimes
Newspapers screamed for blood
It was the best of times
Every place around the world it seemed the same
Can't hear the rhythm for the drums
Everybody wants to look the other way
When something wicked this way comes
Sometimes they tie a thief to the tree
Sometimes I stare
Sometimes it's meEveryone told the truth
All that we heard were lies
A pope claimed that he'd been wrong in the past
This was a big surprise
Everyone fell in love
A cardinal's wife was jailed
The government saved a dying planet
When popular icons failed
Every place around the world it seemed the same
Can't hear the rhythm for the drums
Everybody wants to look the other way
When something wicked this way comes -
El blanko
As for men going to war...
As a friend pointed out me, when I lamented the state of the male:
"Women & children stand at the dockyards waving their males away to war; helping to support the war effort"
If women spoke out and said "this war is rotten and I do not approve" - how many men would slaughter other men with their support network crumbling beneath them?
Just a mess of us just being.
Hey Sparky, it seems you have a taste for what was being said. When there is closer observation walls begin to fad and disappear. Perhaps this is the healing elixir for Qcmbr's question.
Rod P
I think members of the human race of the female persuasion are capable of all of the things you have listed, and there examples for every one of them in history.
Respecting wars, remember the Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher and the war in the Faulklands. Not that she started that war, or that the British weren't justified in their military response against Argentina. But the point is, she was just as capable of ordering the use of weapons of war as a means.
Look at the history of the monarchy in Britain (eg. Mary, Queen of Scotts, etc)
Look at Joan of Arch and the bloody massacres during the Crusades.
When it comes to Political Corruption, the women are every bit as capable as the men. Think about Amelda Marcos of the Phillipines, and her 500 pairs of shoes. Her husband (and I'm sure Amelda was a part of this) robbed the country of billions of dollars, took it out of the counrty and stashed the wealth in secret bank accounts around the world.
Think about the husband and wife team of the former Presidency of Romania (Chaucheskus- or however the heck you spell this), whose own citizens shot them to death. Afterwards, their palaces and obscene wealth that was built on the backs of its citizens was paraded before all to see just how corrupt they were.
Don't forget the last of the Russian Czars, the story of Nicholas and Alexandra, who were also quite corrupt and lavish in their lifestyles, and didn't care about their own people.
Remember the remark of Marie Antoinette, when told about the poor people who had no bread, she said "Well, let them eat cake."
And while I do not want to make a big case over Martha Stewart, the fact is she lied about her stock transactions, and was privy to insider information that enabled her to make a tidy little sum by selling off earlier, while the rest of the public lost money on the stock big time, because they were not informed until later, when it was too late. The common people can't get away with that, show why should she, just because she's rich?
How about Leona Helmsley, who served time in jail for tax evasion, and who said that "taxes were for the little people." (She spent something like over $200,000 building a swimming pool for herself, and then charged it as business expense thru one of her companies). After she was let out of jail on probation, and ordered to do community time, she had the audacity to try and get some of her "servants" to do the work for her. The nerve!
When it comes to crimes, the jails are filled with women prisoners convicted of everything from murder to robbery, from rape, kidnapping and child abuse, and any other thing that men have been convicited of.
In the community where I live, more and more stories are hitting the newspapers and television about girl gangs and bullying. It seems they are "catching up" with the boys these days.
What I am trying to say here is that it is not so much about these things being done by men because it's a male thing. Rather, it has more to do with the fact that the men have been in charge of everything that has gone on in the world since the beginning of the human race. It stands to reason, since they were the hunters, and were the strongest ones physically to handle this responsibility. It wasthe men that set up all the systems, the institutions and the rules. As civilization moved into more modern times, and opportunites emerged for woman to participate in the things that used to be exclusively "for men only" then, of course, women were now subject to the same kinds of influences and temptations and corruption. And in this day and age, as the playing field becomes more level, and all of the barriers that prevent women from participating in something are removed, we see a great many more women entering in with a force to be recognized. Look at all the sports that women are in now: Boxing, Wrestling, Hockey, Body-Building, etc. How about the Military, flying airplanes, ditch digging and construction work, automotive fields, driving trucks, car racing, etc. It's getting to the point that there is no such thing as something only a man can do, because somewhere in the world is a woman or two proving that they can do it too.
In short, it's a matter of statistics. The more women get into the places and activities and roles of what supposedly is a "man thing" the more we are going to hear about and witness women committing the same crimes as the men. It is only a matter of time and statistics.
Human nature befalls both men and women, and I would go so far as to say equally so. After all, do we not all have the same DNA, and is man not born of Woman. How can one be different from the other in terms of "the human condition"?
And while both men and women have testosterone (that "male aggressiveness"), and both have estrogen (that "femaleness"), the gender differences are that males have way more of the testosterone and far less of the estrogen than the females do, whereas the females have just the opposite. But even there, mother nature does not alway distribute these in the same proportion for one sex over the other. (Witness gays and lesbians)
Rod P.