I was watching the 100 best war movies - a countdown of to the 'best' one - I happened to also be reading some of the posts about abuse on this site and I cannot escape from the fact that although there are some women who are capable of 'evil' acts most of the women I know wouldn't even be inclined to whereas it seems a lot of men are only a step away from doing really bad things. I think power corrupts but is that enough of a reason to answer why most rapists etc.. are men? Watching some of these movies , even just the snippets was quite harrowing and it was quite plain - it was women and children suffering more than men (ie they were also getting raped and tortured in addition to the death and destruction.)
Even if you don't believe in God - any reckoning up of the crimes against humanity will show it is men who perform most of the crimes against women and children - not the other way round.
Rod - no disrespect but Imelda and Maggie don't come close to Hitler, Stalin, Ghengis etc..
Sith - there are great men - of course there are.
Why are men so bad?
by Qcmbr 38 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I could give you all sorts of explanations about natural selection and sexual dimorphism, but you seem to believe in direct creation, in which case the only answer you can ever get is: Because God made us that way.
There are some wonderful and truely extra-ordinary men who wonderful beyond words. My husband and the step-Dad to my sons, embrassed and welcomed them lovingly into his heart after their Dad turned his back on them mostly because of being disfellowshipped from the JW's. They love him and they are nearly men now, 21, 17.
That men who are bad are the ones we hear about the most, but good men are not as publically known as the bad ones.
I'm not a "bad" man... but I know some Dubs that are...
u/d (of the refuses to be categorized class)
Are we really men and women? Only a fool would ask such a question
Silly 'foolish me'.... here I was putting on my levis to go to work this morning till I read James Thomas post.......then I decided to wear my wifes dress to work instead.......one can never be too sure of one gender ya know. Personally, I think James is a girl and he uses that avatar as a cover-up.
I think power corrupts but is that enough of a reason to answer why most rapists etc.. are men?
I've never met a more devious hate filled creature than a female human! Women put thinking behind their evil way... men appear to be much more stupid in this regard... Women remember EVERYTHING and know just when to use it... they are the epitome of BRAINS OVER BRAWN... and are very effective.
Who of us hasn't met the couple with the big burly man completely "whipped" by a little female.... weaker sex my ASS!
I firmly believe if women had a penis... they'd do plenty of raping. They just mind f*ck you instead. Especially JW or any high-control groups females.
That's where the term hard-core b*tch comes from. Even women admit it. Women that have a lust for power (wish they were men) are some of the scariest of the species.
Now before all you man hateing femi/nazi chicks get in a tizzy.... chill out... I'm strictly speaking about a very very small minority of bad female humans.... just like it's a small minority of us penis packing humans that rape and are violent. I'm a man and know hundreds of men and have NEVER met one that raped or was anything like's been discussed here...
Unfortunatley sh*t floats, so we tend to see the worst of humanity... good people don't make the headlines.
u/d ****ducking as rotten fruit comes flying at me****
I have to agree, that men or women, there are some truely sick cruel people out there that have no problem abusing their partners.
My 21 year old gentle natured son is totally controlled by this 18 year old psycho girl. She literally seems to have him by the balls. No she is not a JW girl either. Though my son was raised as a JW but left it at 17, he seems so manuipulated by the girls he meets. His Dad was verbally abusive and physically abusive to me which he observed and rescued me from on two occasions. I think my son is over compensating, for how his Dad was. But I can't help but wonder why he letting this girl do this to him. His Step-Dad and I have been trying to encourage him to get rid of her, but he just will not cut her off completely. She is just wicked, and even tries to keep him from being alone with us.
Some people are just like dogs... they walk up and sniff your ass to "size you up".
If they feel the upper hand, they use it. As a Dub I used to "let" myself by abused by these type...
Now I punch 'em in the face.
I totally agree w/ the flavour of your post.
Good attempt at baiting, though it's not gonna work here .. sorry.
"man hateing femi/nazi chick" lmao ... tal
I've never met a more devious hate filled creature than a female human! Women put thinking behind their evil way... men appear to be much more stupid in this regard... Women remember EVERYTHING and know just when to use it... they are the epitome of BRAINS OVER BRAWN... and are very effective.
Dude you rock, that was an excellent post!