Why are men so bad?

by Qcmbr 38 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Sparkplug

    El Blanko in regards to

    If women spoke out and said "this war is rotten and I do not approve" - how many men would slaughter other men with their support network crumbling beneath them?

    How observant.

    James Thomas-

    closer observation walls begin to fad and disappear.
    I agree with this and all of the romantic notions that could be pinned to that phrase. .................................................................... as long as it does not get to the point of some observers that say "by our observation at all it changes the outcome" or "upon closer observation...we dont even exist." That is a little too much contemplating for my small psyche.
  • JamesThomas
    That is a little too much contemplating for my small psyche.

    So true. The good news is, is that what you really are has no limits. It is simply unquestioned beliefs and lack of attention which keeps consciousness seemingly imprisoned within a "small psyche"; male or female.

    This, is the reason men are bad to women; there is a fear to be Freedom itself, or in other words: we are afraid to step beyond our cherished little psyches; afraid to be unbound to some thing. So, in in our endeared and hallowed prison of maleness there is raping and making war in subconscious or conscious hopes there may be found some semblance of power and reason and meaning to exist.

    The act of denial, the act of telling our "selves" it takes too much work or is too much "contemplating" to move beyond our fragmented separation, is the support and reason for all suffering; whether we call ourselves male or female.


  • Sith

    The title of this thread sickens me. Why are men so bad? Men are great. Men have improved the lives of all human-kind. Men are capable of evil and cruelty, true, but men have also given the world and it's women gifts beyond measure. History's greatest artists, poets, composers, inventors, builders, philosophers, etc. etc. etc. are men. Men rock

  • Sith

    Maybe you should have titled it "Why are some men so bad". And then a companion thread, "Why are some men so great". Thank god for the great men of history

  • frankiespeakin

    I think the planet earth is experiencing some disorder from man's recent rise in consciousness, but as the process continues man will evolve in a way to leave behind certain evolutionary traits such as anger and greed, selfishness, because if man does not evolve in this way he will become extinct and I think that is what all this cosmic consciousness is all about.

  • Markfromcali

    Actually what Sith suggests is worth considering: Why are some men so good? It wouldn't even have to be a separate thread, because if we are going to understand male behavior why don't we look at both sides. It's easy to dwell on one side, but maybe if we consider both then we will have a clearer picture. Of course sometimes we might be overwhelmed by our reactions, certain things may push our buttons - but then it's a question of whether it's a matter of just voicing those feelings and points of view or if we do something with that and really take a good look at it. For that matter we can look at how men get along well with women in different settings. We do not have to resort to a pathological example for understanding.

    By the way, there is a book out there titled The Irritable Male Syndrome - the same author wrote something about the male menopaus. It has a picture of a green fist on the cover like the Incredible Hulk I guess. Kind of funny, I'm sure there is some merit to it as when you hit so many things (including biology and psychology as these self help titles tends to do) you're bound to hit upon something.

  • Sparkplug

    JamesThomas---ok, I have tried to read it 3 times now and ouch my head!!!

  • fairchild
    I think members of the human race of the female persuasion are capable of all of the things you have listed, and there examples for every one of them in history.

    I second that. It's just that women, especially in the old days, didn't have a chance to climb to a high position. Take a look at the world 100 years from now, and women will do all those things. They will order the use of weapons, they will start wars..

    However, I disagree with sith. Although it is true that most great artists are male, this has nothing to do with the fact that they are better than women. It's just that they have had more chances to expose their works to the public. I am a (female) poet who has won several awards of excellence in writing, as well as a gold star and a gold quill (and I'm not talking about scams like poetry.com who will give everyone an award, telling them that they are the best), I'm talking about the more prestigious poetry places. See, my name is Chris, which can easily be confused with the name of a male. I honestly don't think that I would have the same amount of awards to my name had my name been Martha. That is just a fact, sadly..

  • Sith

    I am not putting down women, at all. My point is that is that man's achievements and contributions far outweigh his faults. You might as well ask "why are German's so bad" because of some German behaviors and attitudes 60 years ago.

  • talesin


    Sometimes I am ashamed of being white, especially if racism or exploitation of 'third world' countries is weighing on my mind --- I think it's a similar feeling.

    Has something in particular made you feel this way today?

    As for the general discussion, I think Markfromcali has a good idea there.


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