Boring talks - elders not invited again

by stillajwexelder 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • LittleToe

    Blonde:You're right.

    The official line, which was re-emphasied about five or six years ago (before I left) is that Public Speakers request counsel from the TMSO. I don't recall if this was in a BOE letter or from a C.O.'s outline for the Elder's meeting, though.

    The only time I received counsel, after becoming an Elder, was at a Circuit Assembly. Some here know the D.O. who counselled me - David Algar - LOL.

    As TMSO for about three years or so, I was only once ever asked for counsel, and it was never repeated because I gave the bruvver something to work on

  • qwerty

    David Algar and David Bingham were the DO and CO when I first started attending brainwashings meetings.

  • stillajwexelder

    LittleToe didn;t David Algar counsel everybody -by the way I thought he was one of the best speakers I have ever heard

  • RichieRich
    In your hall were the elders good about not inviting anyone to do a talk again after they had done a bad one?

    Put some fire in the talk, or put the talk in the fire!

  • LittleToe

    David remains one of the best showmen I have ever seen. He gets off on it, and certainly puts in the work.

    The only two who could approach him were Mike (damn, I've forgotten his surname, but was a wee guy with animated gestures) and a little known guy called David Craig. The latter was IMHO absolutely the best teacher I have had the privilege to listen to, and influenced my own public speaking tremendously. Unfortunately for him he burnt out on the Circuit work, with stress, and returned to a congregation in East Anglia (or so I heard).

  • stillajwexelder

    Mike Spur, Mike Egan, Mike Hodgson?

  • LittleToe

    There ya go - I could hug ya!
    I sat here for a full five minutes trying to remember Mike Spur's surname. I saw his face in my head, but couldn't recall the surname.
    Old age doesn't come alone...

    I once counselled him about an illustration he used of Nero playing the fiddle while Rome burned (I was a fiddle player, and he didn't have it right - LOL). Precocious little twot, that I was

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