Human hair balls

by kls 52 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sunspot
    lol... ever had to pulled a length of string or thread from a dog's butt?


    No, but I have pulled a gigantic amount of audio tape from my cat's mouth! One of the kids had tossed it from a broken cassette into an open wastebasket, and the cat decided it would be an interesting snack!

    I have a cat and I'm telling you she should be hairless because of the amount of hair she sheds. she parks off on my bed for a bit and when she gets up - black/brown/white hair thickly plastered on my cover - terrible.


    Same here! Hubby says too bad I couldn't scrape it all off and spin it on one of those old spinning wheels. I could make interesting sweaters from the Calico cat!


  • calamityjane

    Funny you should mention this. But just last night I was eating my supper, and I saw a dog hair in my supper, rather than picking it out I just ate it.

    Now if it was in a salad or somebody's elses plate in the family I would have picked it out.

    cj (of the "I'm tired of picking up the fur balls every day" class)

  • Nosferatu

    Human hair balls? How about hairy human balls? :D

    My old cat Chloe used to love eating string. I'd usually catch him chewing on a piece, of course connected to the end of a spool of this stuff. You know how funny it is to pull a long line of string out of your cat's mouth (and stomach)?

  • calamityjane

    For all those cat lovers out there. As far as them eating string, it's pretty dangerous. We had a cat years ago that died from ingesting string. What we hadn't known was she regurgitated it and it wrap around the back of her tongue, with both ends still in her stomach. By the time we realized what was wrong with her it was too late, The vet tried to save her.

  • kls

    CJ, good warning and that is sad. When my dog became sick about a year ago i was ready to take her in to the vet ,she wouldn't eat ,kept gagging when all of a sudden she barfed up a condom it wasn't mine !!! but after that she was just fine.Yuck,pooie.

  • Scully

    A hairball found in the human body is called a bezor.

  • kls

    Oh gawn Scully, gross , nasty,omg ,ick i know it ,i got Bezors

    I will never look at animal hair in my coffee the same ever again

  • LouBelle

    *faint* SIS

  • Sunspot

    THAT'S our wonderful resident in-house nurse! Full of information and pertinent pix!

    About those bezors..............who knew?

    Love ya, Scully!



  • talesin

    * cough, cough * < gags > * cough, cough * < spits up hairball > * clears throat *

    That feels better ... coool, wish my scanner was working; I could show you guys a pic!


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