Human hair balls

by kls 52 Replies latest jw experiences

  • kls
    wish my scanner was working; I could show you guys a pic!

    Ya , me too

  • love2Bworldly

    This is really grossing me out so early in the morning! I have a very hairy cat myself. He keeps eating rubber bands and I see them in his poop when I clean his catbox. Why do they eat such nasty stuff? One time he got sick because a rubber band was stuck in his booty hole for a few days, I didn't know what was wrong until he pooped it out and his hiney was a little bloody.

  • ButtLight

    The worst hairball I ever saw come out of someones mouth was in the movie "the ring"! I gagged just watching her pull it out!

  • JH

    I kiss my cat so often, that I must have hair in me....

  • Sunspot

    Another thing that I should the tinsel on Christmas trees or decorations. I've had cats ever since I was tiny and (until the years as a JW), we always had tinsel on our tree.

    Two years ago I was watching something on TV about dangers to pets a holiday time and they mentioned this tinsel problem. Cats will eat it. Not one of my cats had ever done this (that I knew of) and I went ahead and put the tinsel on the tree that year.

    I was sitting right there and saw both cats sniffing around the tree, and then grabbing the strands and chewing them! I got right up and pulled the stuff off the lower branches, while the familiar sounds of "glump-glump-glump" came from two different rooms.

    Just thought I'd let you know.


  • kls

    Hosted by This little guy don't like them hairballs either.

  • Thegoodgirl

    I can't beleive you guys too. My husband got a cavity recently, so we've been on a "floss every day" thing. Well, the cat thinks it's the best thing since sliced bread to pull the floss out of the garbage. Two mornings I've caught him with just a short string hanging out of his mouth. He has a weird look on his face, like "Hmm, now what?" So I pull and it just keeps coming and he gags a little. I guess it was all the way down in his stomach. That's scary the cat can die, CJ. Sorry to hear that.

    And thanks for those hairball pics! I've seen that in one of my books. You know that psychological disease where humans pull their hairs out of their head? Trich-something. Well, I guess some eat it, and the illustration I saw was to show the dangers of this disease since humans can't digest it and I think it said it has to be surgically removed. Blah.

  • joelbear

    its not nice to tease me with thread names like this :)

  • lilbit

    I dont even want to think about the amount of animal hair ingested in my house. I have 2 HUGE black labs that shed like crazy and a cat. I could sweep my house 3 times a day and still get a dustpan full of hair it drives me crazy.

  • kls

    Well kids look what we have learned today ,Human Hairballs are called Bezors ,thanks to our Skully and ya just never know what your critter will ingest and have it comeout one way or the other. I swear the things i learn on here just keepa comming

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