Well, I'm a modern dude. I like seeing naked or near naked women as as the next guy. Do I think that stuff should be on prime time...not really. When you get the christo-fascists like we see ascending to power in the US today, you have whackos like John Ashcroft spending taxpayer money (to the tune of several thousand dollars)to enshroud a sculpture of "justice" because there's a boobie showing. There is an element that has this "women are chattel" thinking. They would be only too happy to go back to this "golden age" of theirs where the woman exists only to serve her man. They may not encourage litteral burkhas, but they stop just short of it.
Thanks to this guy for inventing the game "Scruples", but this guy is a complete whack job. Just google his name and you get a litany of conspiracy web sites. This dude thinks that the Rothschilds want another world war by 2012, etc. He's a wing nut and shouldn't be given any credibility.