im still having trouble with this

by tsunami_rid3r 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • tsunami_rid3r

    the problem, i'd like to hang out with this girl, the chick i took to prom, because i can be myself totally around her. but i never can or get to. just a few moments ago, she instant messaged me and we talked about star wars and she said she had a date to burger king with her friend. that kinda bugged me. then she had to go because she was going to go see star wars again.

    id really like to go see it with her. i even told her at the beginning of the week if she'd like to come with a big group im trying together this saturday, but i dont have a group because everyones doing something. but i dont want to ask her directly because im scared of some lame excuse and the way itll make her think of me.

    how can i get through this please. everytime she talks to me, it kills me, because it feels like shes being a tease. id like to stay friends, but how do you be friends with a girl?

  • Sith

    tsu...get a grip, lad. She's a tease because you are letting her tease you.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    do i just tell her to stop it?

  • EvilForce

    Tsu...I'm with Sith on this. (Sith and I agree on little)

    But read all the posts and advice everyone has given you before on your other threads. You keep tailing her around like a puppy and trying to be "a friend" and she still teases you and treats you like shit. So as harsh as this sounds....grow a pair of balls, move on, and quit being pathetic. We have all been there my friend. We've all thought if we just were there for them, listened to their needs, blah, blah, they'd come around and recognize how valuable we were. Nope life doesn't work that way. People want what they can't have. So by making yourself so available you seem undatable to her.

    Sorry if I'm being harsh, I'm just telling you the truth :)

  • Sith

    Holy shit, Evil. Three times in one week. I've got a bad feeling about this. Tsu, you teach people how to treat you. You act like a doormat, she's gonna treat you as such. Grow a pair, dude

  • tsunami_rid3r

    well it pisses me off when my friend talks about his day with his chick friend and they arent even dating. like what the hell is up with my life. and im not following her around like a damn puppy. i never call her, and i just run into her and when i do im nice. i only opened the invitation because she likes star wars.

  • EvilForce

    Well then she doesn't see you as a datable guy then. Sorry. Find someone who will appreciate you for you. Trust me college gets easier!

  • tsunami_rid3r

    i dont want to date her, i just want to do friend stuff with her. i like being around her because shes cool and i can be my "loser" self around her.

  • ballistic

    I hate to say this mate, but some of this comes with experience. The most important thing is to be yourself and chill. The last thing a girl wants is someone on her case. It's also about focus. Define exactly what the problem is.

  • talesin

    It sounds to me like she is playing you ... some girls are like that, just like some guys are ..

    Yes, you can be friends with lots of girls, just by being yourself. But a player is a player, no matter the gender, and you can't be friends with one of them because they will always be looking for ways to use you.


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