"Theocratic Warfare" - An Apostate Strategy?

by slimboyfat 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • RevFrank

    THEOCRATIC WARFARE? On apostates?

    YOU have to be kidding? I've heard of the word....sure. But back then that's watchtower's story on lying to people..it's watchtower's excuse on lying to people, if they get caught.

    i don't need to lie about the Watchtower. Their own literature nails them to the wall.

    Example.....1874 and 1914.....they kept changing it. Even if they never said it back there armaggeddon was going to come in 1975. Then they altered it, again. I have the Watchtower that was published in 1968 telling people, " Why are you looking for 1975?"

    My GrandFather had an excellent saying, " Don't write what you don't want others to read." Why? Because you may wish to alter it later on.

    Oh I'm sure on one count.....Russell may have been right on when he said that the Lord was coming. And all the Watchtower seems to know when....but one problem arises.....only the Father knows the time. ...

    Is the Watchtower declaired themselves Jehovah God now?

    " But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the Glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them."( 2 Corinthians 4:3,4)

  • DannyHaszard

    People usually imitate the God they worship Devil 4 My favorite Clint Eastwood quote from,"the outlaw Josey Wales"; "DON'T PISS DOWN MY BACK AND TELL ME IT'S RAINING''! The 'articulator manipulators'. The Watchtower is run by psychopaths Lying in court SUBORN PERJURY.It's against the law! My own case at my 'post purge' at the Rockland Massachusetts Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witness. The elders there filed a perjured police complaint and LIED (a Felony) that I was "egging cars" in their K.Hall parking lot. The Judge threw the case out. Here in Bangor Maine they brought in an out of town, 'hit man' to harass my picketing.His tactic( no doubt WT$ A.O.P) was to repeatedly stop his van in the middle of the road and ask for directions feigning to be a lost traveler. This was a 'setup' to report me as a fanatic who was flagging down cars with my anti-WT message,to try to get me arrested. BE WARNED their chief tactic for opposer's on the outside is to instigate trumped up bogus false police complaints. The police and the court system are satan's s**t to them.They tried that on me, and now and I have made sure that all the law enforcement personnel in my county are aware of their nefarious sleaze. [big backfire] There is nothing that they will not stoop to.The bastards all belong in jail themselves. There's is a supremacist extremist cult,they are the one true religion and that is that. Bold faced blatant lying and the elder deflection subterfuge mealy-mouthing. The more politically correct:"Disinformation".I've had LOTS of exposure to the worst type of liar the pathological psychopath.

    The JW psychopath will look you in the eye, so that you can see your reflection in the back of their retina when the SOB bold face blatant f**king lies to you.

    I know a whole lotta JW's who fit this description. OR,they lie 80% of the time and tell the truth with astounding candor the other 20%. So the victim thinks, "I've been imputing wrong motive", "why, they told the truth this time, Sooo.they must be telling the truth all the other times too....

    Did you know that a psychopath can often beat a polygraph? This is due to NO conscience.

    Watchtower Liar this man on fire, Undaunted Danny Haszard,apostate with attitude

  • M.J.

    My wife lectured me about how lying in certain circumstances was ok, since God did not punish Abraham for lying about his wife. Now that's word for word from the wacky theocractic warfare articles you are aluding to. I don't know where exactly she learned this from, but apparently it's a commonly held notion among her circle of R&F members as she isn't any kind of hard core researcher or anything!

    So no, it's directly from the GB. You're giving apostates too much credit!

  • jaffacake

    Hello again slim, Yet again you paint all ex-JWs with the same brush. I am sure some so-called apostates lie, exaggerate, etc, but then they are not the ones claiming to be in 'the truth'.

    Since I started studying with JWs 6 weeks ago, arranged by my JW friend, the elders have deliberately lied to me several times already. They had to, otherwise they would have had to admit to some serious, nay fatal, contradictions. They are lying and changing their story on which elder and from which congregation now has my list of 40 questions I gave them 4 months ago. I gave my questions to my JW friend who gave them to an elder from his congregation. At first I was promised answers, but when I pressed for answers via my JW friend, this elder told my friend he had given them to a named elder at a congregation closer to where I live. The first elder also told me to my face when I attended the memorial that he had given them to a named elder from my local congregation.

    This local congregation elder rang me and I have studied with him for several weeks now. At first he ignored my enquiries about the whereabouts of my typed questions, then a couple of weeks ago he said he had no questions and didnt know what I was talking about. I asked my JW friend to get back to the first elder who had told me and my friend on separate ocasions that he had passed the questions on. This time he admitted having kept them safely in his home. Last week I asked him for them back, so I could give them to the elder I am studying with. Guess what? He cant find them. I am being given the run around and have been lied to at least once. I am talking about POs here! I dont think they are doing a good job of convincing me that they are in 'the truth'.

    Please dont call me an apostate. I had hardly heard of JWs 6 months ago, and have only been studying with them for 6 weeks.

    I still await an answer to even one of my 40 questions. This is all known to my JW friend who was also lied to causing him much embarassment & discomfort. Lets see what the excuse changes to next week for not answering my questions. I only speak as I find. Its a good job I dont believe armageddon is just around the corner - I have waited 4 month already for my 1st question to be answered.

  • seattleniceguy

    Hello SBF,

    I agree that most Witnesses are probably unfamiliar with the term, but I believe Witnesses are so trained to be deceptive in numerous circumstances that they unwittingly follow the tenets of Theocratic Warfare Strategy.

    Under everyday circumstances, Witnesses deceive in order to protect the image of the organization. For example, if you directly ask a Witness who comes to your door in field service whether they believe that JWs are the only ones who will be saved, it is highly unlikely that you will get the true answer. At meetings, Witnesses teach that one must be associated with God's organization to survive Armageddon. At the door, however, they do everything they can to convey the exact opposite impression.

    Witnesses frequently use doublespeak to instruct followers to do one thing, while making it appear that they are counseling in just the opposite way. Often on politically touchy subjects, they will make something appear to be a matter in which individual conscience is respected, while those on the inside know full well that they would be disfellowshipped for taking that action.

    In the conclusion to the 1998 (?) Awake article on the UN, the writer included a brilliant example of doublespeak to make it appear that the WT supported and respected the UN. Readers on the inside would interpret the paragraph in a completely different way.

    The Society has consistently demonstrated that it has no qualms about misrepresenting the views of the people it quotes in its publications.

    All of these practices are thoroughly deceptive. Because Witnesses are immersed in this culture of deception, I believe that lying comes second-nature to them. I know it from personal experience. Although the phrase Theocratic Warfare Strategy may not be used in the main circles anymore, its tenets are alive and well.


  • jaffacake

    Insight on the scriptures, Vol 2 (Life, page 245) says:

    While malicious lying is definately condemned in the Bible, this does not mean that a person is under obligation to divulge truthful information to people who are not entitled to it. Jesus Christ counselled: Do not give what is holy to dogs, neither throw your pearls before swine......................Evidently the course of Abraham, Isaac, Rahab and Elisha in misdirecting or in witholding full facts from non-worshipers of Jehovah must be viewed in the same light.

    I suppose this is the misdirection I am experiencing, even though all my questions are to discuss Bible and Watchtower publications, nothing else!

    But they misdirect Jehovah worshipers too, why is that?

  • Sunspot
    But they misdirect Jehovah worshipers too, why is that?

    Good question!!!!


    Why IS that!

    Would Almighty God, who cannot lie, approve of the WTS which notoriously DOES lie? (AND claims they are the ONLY religion that has the "truth" about God???)

    Do YOU want to be part of (or support the beliefs in) an organization that LIES to you?


  • Check_Your_Premises
    I still await an answer to even one of my 40 questions

    You need to post or send me a copy of questions that could cause that kind of evasiveness in a body of elders.

  • frankiespeakin

    Hey tell Legal at Bethel that this term my come up alot durring up comming court cases, "Theocratic Warefare"

    The Governing Body are so stupid they didn't even see it comming, thier own literature and private letters is going to hang them, did they really feel they could get away with this????With such a clear trail of thier fraud and malicious behaviour.

  • frankiespeakin

    I think The GB have cooked thier own goose in the Andersons abuse case,,, the way they let blind rage lead them to persecute this poor women and husband. It is an open and shut case no jury will take seriously anything these cult member are saying as true they will suffer great humiliation in court of law.

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