Frankie, What sort of court cases?
Check Your Premises, It is a 40-page word document that contains many watchtower and Bible quotations as well as personal stuff about my background and many, many questions. Some of my questions seek confirmation about the meaning and validity of Watchtower quotes. Too bulky to post here. It was written after only 2 months of studying Bible & JWs so I dont think it is as effective as it might have been. I would be happy to email it to you in case you can offer any suggested improvements. Some of it contains my initial conclusions on some issues and invites correction.
SlimBoyFat, I would like you to have a go at responding to my document, but it is too big to post here, and you no doubt wish to remain anonymous. I doubt you would be willing to pm me with an email address. I promise to keep it confidential and delete as soon as I have used it. I would expect you to respect my confidentiality too, as there is some personal stuff about me in it.