Beduhn's "Truth in Translation" quotes Part 1: proskuneo

by M.J. 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • M.J.

    Okay, so I think the consensus is that using the word "worship", as Beduhn argues, is restricting the meaning beyond what is done in the Greek. Using such a word would be embedding an interpretation within the text. Here he makes a good point.

    Yet, one of Beduhn's main criticisms against many of the popular translations was their inconsistancy in translation of prokusneo between Matt 18:26 (where the parable describes a servant performing this act before a King), and the instances when it is done before Christ. He goes on to give his support to the NWT for being consistant between these two cases.

    But at the same time the NWT also falls prey to bias due to inconsistancy in other places. At times the NWT itself translates this word as "worship". The only difference between the NWT and other translations then is which instances it chooses to use the word "worship" versus another less restrictive word.

  • peacefulpete

    That's why expose's on the NWT are red herrings, all translations are biased. Because it is differently biased it strikes the eye of traditional Xtians.

  • Narkissos


    That's why expose's on the NWT are red herrings, all translations are biased. Because it is differently biased it strikes the eye of traditional Xtians.

    A bit too sweeping imo. There are a few cases of outright fraud (e.g. "Jehovah" in the NT) and many others in which the NWT is clearly more biased than most contemporary versions. But this is not always the case of course. Let's "make sure of all things".

  • peacefulpete

    OK, your right, you know me

  • slimboyfat

    BeDuhn is very good. Jehovah's Witnesses are not as wrong as all those Evangelicals make them out to be...

  • M.J.
    Jehovah's Witnesses are not as wrong as all those Evangelicals make them out to be...

    As to the degree of wrongness, we may be in disagreement, but overall I concede your point to be true...

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