Boy! Do women love to talk!

by Maverick 35 Replies latest social relationships

  • Maverick

    "We need to talk"! Men hate to hear those four words coming off of their GF's pouty lips. We know what they are really saying is, that they need to chew our butts and we need to take it!

    Then there is the cell phone, or any phone for that matter. If you can get them off the stupid thing long enough to start to converse hope it does not ring because they will interrupt you, put the hand in your face, and start talking on the phone as they slowly turn their backs on you. If your on the phone with them, which I recommend to keep to a minimum, they will put you on hold when their phone beeps. Warning, never do this to them or your gotta hear those four words from the previous paragraph!

    When they talk they expect you to listen, but will get very angry if at some future date you use their own words to discribe something they have done to you. Now your throwing their words in their face! But they tell you they want you to open up so that at some future date they can do just that with your words!

    To all of this I say, "Ladies, how about a little less talk and a lot more action!" Maverick, who loves his lady but wishes she'd shut up once in a while!

  • LittleToe

    ~shakes head slowly and sadly~
    Have we learnt nothing? STFU, nod in the right places and hug.
    Oh, and STFU

  • Elsewhere

    Gawd... I know this one girl at work who talks and talks and talks...... what makes it worst is she talks very monotone and doesn't use pauses between sentences.

    It's like listening to a never-ending series of words.

  • LittleToe

    Else:Is this the one that you're still trying to get rid of?

  • tijkmo

    yup women...cant live with them....cant shoot them

  • Sparkplug

    Awwww sad

  • luna2

    Thanks for the chuckle!

  • kls
    We know what they are really saying is, that they need to chew our butts and we need to take it!

    Mav ,you are so wise

  • whyamihere

    I talk alot. Sometimes I do that because no one is funny and I have to add humor.

    Or sit there laughing at what I could say.


  • Nosferatu

    I can relate, Mav! My woman is usually on the phone when I come home from work. Usually when the phone rings, it's for her. Me and my buddies only make contact when we want to hook up. I hate the goddam phone. I refuse to answer it when I'm eating, but the lady will ALWAYS pick it up, talk for 15 minutes, and then her food is cold.

    Ever listen to women try and make plans? I swear, they choose the most complicated method of doing something which requires a flowchart. "Well, why don't you meet me here at 6:00, then we'll go pick up Jenny at 6:42, and then we'll wait for Lulu to arrive, and then we have to go meet her boyfriend at the bus stop at 7:03, and then we'll meet Sandy at the Coffee house at 7:21, wait for her boyfriend to show up, and then I'll follow Lulu and Sandy to Andrea's apartment and she'll be waiting outside at 7:57, and then we'll all head to the bar."

    With guys, they'll say "We'll meet John, Jacob, Jingleheimer and Schmidt at the bar around 9:00."

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