And she always wants to talk when Im right in the middle of something. Just nod and smile.
Boy! Do women love to talk!
by Maverick 35 Replies latest social relationships
Yeah! what gives! Why do women have to be so fe-maley and talk and shit?!? Why dont they come home from work, throw the phone in the trash, strip down to their underwear and wifebeater, start drinking beer while watching the suns game, hey! maybe they can start getting in on some of the other man-ful testosteronish things that real MEN love: he-male ass-slapping, laughing astonishingly loud, spitting, eating four-day-old pizza, staining our underpants, saying dumb things at inappropriate times, porno mags, killing animals, jet skis, circle jerks, muscle cars, fistfights, sailors, kicking Nazis in the nuts, and squeezing our crotch while yelling, "Who wants a piece of this?!?"
THEN...and only then...will they be less annoying...
- Preston
Preston, lol. Are you sure you are male ,i mean have you checked,,,lolno male admits to the truth.
My big problem is concentration, I don't catch every word, never been able too(ADD), especially if something some one says is not an interest of mine, or I have other concerns that keep begging for my attention. That always gets me in trouble with my wife.
If in conversation I say something that really irritates my wife (usually by accident and unintentional) my wife will get mad at me for days which makes me very carefull and hesatant to converse, or open up, for fear I will be in even more trouble. So basically to have a conversation with her I have to talk only about what she is interested in, and be very careful about what I say,, not exactly what you would call relaxing meaningful conversation. What I don't understand is how anybody can possibly enjoy a conversation, that is filled with negativism directed at your personal flaws, peppered with heavy doses of guilt designed to make you feel bad, I tend to just shy away from these type of conversations and when I'm cornered and can't get away as when I'm driving, I usually will listen for awhile and then just have a blank stare because what ever I say will be the wrong thing, and only make matters worse.
Hm this is a funny topic. my dear husband says I dont talk enough to him and I'm not on the phone much. I guess not all women run off at the mouth.
"We need to talk"! Men hate to hear those four words coming off of their GF's pouty lips. We know what they are really saying is, that they need to chew our butts and we need to take it!
hey.. this is how I feel when my bf says that to me! I think..damn.. what did I do now???
I think conversation between couples needs to be serious at times, but when one wants to use conversation to punish and bring up old wounds al the time, they grow farther apart the longer it continues. Nobody wants to keep hearing all the time where they are not meeting anothers expectations.
Sometimes couple need to talk about these subjects, but not repeatedly from someone who feels they are the one in the right all the time, and that the other party is the failure.
My husband hates to talk. So that is why I have plenty of girlfriends and ROLLOVER minutes on my phone! haaaa
That's funny! I think I talk a lot, but when I'm angry I actually clam up. It's still obvious I'm angry though, because of the look on my face.