Boy! Do women love to talk!

by Maverick 35 Replies latest social relationships

  • Maverick

    Thanks for the replies. Not all women are yakers and some men are guilty of those same kind of things I mentioned.

    But I just get pummeled but the torrent of words and verbal maneuvers. I don't like having to play chess with words, wondering if something I said will be used in ten minutes or ten days to back me into a corner. I have learned to not say what I really feel. As a man I have learned that if what I am saying can be misinterpreted to the negative, it will be! The less I say, the less I have to defend.

    My lady is always telling me how she was planning this great surprise or that cool thing to show me she loves me, but because of something I said I won't be getting this kindness now! BS! I used to call her bluff, now I just roll my eyes and walk away.

    All men should be glad that rolling your eyes is silent, if your eyes made the sound of marbles rolling on steel the next sound that would accompany it would be the whap of your lady smacking you upside the head. All over the Earth those two sounds would be inexorably linked!

  • itsallgoodnow

    lilbit, that's priceless!

  • EvilForce


    I would share this sentiment with your wifey... it may not be what she wants to hear, but hearing some of these posts it sounds like a communications nightmare is forming.

    Woman aren't the sole offenders. Everytime I fly I have to listen to 1/2 dozen blowhards from 14 rows back yak and yak about stupid inane stuff that could wait until they are somewhere private. It amazes me when I am in Tokyo and on a train with hundreds and hundreds of people and not a single one will be yakking on the phone. It is considered rude to talk on a phone on a train, plane, public transport. I wish Americans could learn this.

  • Preston
    It amazes me when I am in Tokyo and on a train with hundreds and hundreds of people and not a single one will be yakking

    In other words...EvilForce was REALLY happy to get off of that train...

    - Preston (just yanking yer chain)

  • Balsam

    I have to agree, I think that is the worst thing a woman can say to her boyfriend or spouse "We Need To Talk", poor guys they shut down immediately because they know their going to get an A__ chewing. Since I am woman I even find it irriating to hear other women say that. I have two sons and I hate the thought that they will end up with some gal like that.

    I have women friends, and they talk too much. I believe they talk just to hear themselves most the time. I say get a tape recorder. If you have suggestions they usually just ignor them and keep yaking. They can get on the darn phone never ask if I'm busy or anything and rant on and on for hours. I have put them on the speaker phone and gone about my business while they go on and on without even knowing I'm doing something else. I have come to hate the darn phone because of them. What they spend hours saying could be summed up in 10 min. I hate talking on the phone. Now days I don't give women friend my phone number. I tell them to email me and then I can answer them at my convience without interuptions. My husband of course is grateful I am the way I am, because he has a daughter who is of the other kind and rings his ears off with complaining on and on.

    Sorry girls, I'm with the guys on this, generally women talk too much. I find thinking more and talking less is much more pleasant.


  • Maverick

    Good imput y-all!

    Balsam, it's nice to hear the ladies side, (in a hundred words or less)! And hug your husband, I have a 21 year old daughter and I dread seeing her number flash on my caller ID. 99 times out of a hundred her first words are, "Oh my God Dad! or "Your gonna be mad but....!" That one time it is a nice call I feel like I hit the Lotto!

    I do care what the ladies have to say and I venture that most other guys do to, but give us a freaking break girls! I can handle ten minutes of the high drama but after that I start to get annoyed, ten more minutes I'm frustrated, ten more minutes, now I'm pissed!

    Picture this ladies, me hold the phone to my ear saying, "Really, you don't say?" then holding the phone in the air or setting it down, getting a beer out of the frige, coming back to the phone, putting it to my ear again and after a few seconds making some BS comment so she thinks my listening and then putting the phone down again and looking for the TV remote. Repeat until the GF gets through with her diatribe!

  • EvilForce

    Imagine this....

    Two guys can sit in a car driving for an hour, two hours, sometimes three hours without either one saying anything. Or mention the dreaded "So, what'cha thinking bout?" And us guys at sitting in a car silent for 2 hours.... can't two buddies share silence?

    Young People Ask " What did EvilForce Look Like Before That Gaggle of Women Descended On Him? "

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    I agree!..We do talk too much..I wonder why we do it?

    Hubby was quiet but he sure could get going with his airplane buddies!..I guess if you are talking about something that interest both of you could have a decent conversation..We did great if we talked about things he was interested in..but if I talked about something that interested me..he got a blank stare after a while..

    I sure wish hubby was here so he could ignore me...

    I have so much to tell him!...


    ps....Enjoy the fact that you have a mate to talk too! (Or ignore) You could be talking to yourself.. And that ain't no fun!....So I talk to my parakeet..and he just starts squawking..or saying "pretty bird" so I ignore's always about him!.

    He has a nasty attitude problem!

  • Satanus


    Is that what is commonly known as 'a relationship'?


  • PopeOfEruke

    I guess cave-women had the chance to yak with each other while collecting yams and grubs, to break the boredom of these mundane tasks, while the cave-men out hunting sabre-tooth mastadons or whatever had to keep their traps shut to avoid they themselves becoming dinner for the tiger.

    Maybe that's a possible explanation.


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