This is a true story:
I developed shpilkes in my geneckteckessoink.
Now, I'm a little verklempt!
by whyamihere 75 Replies latest jw friends
This is a true story:
I developed shpilkes in my geneckteckessoink.
Now, I'm a little verklempt!
IP=BINNER ,anyone but you was to read this gawd ,not you,lol It was just fine no worse for wear.
My brother is 4 years older than me, and a lot taller. When we were younger, we were in the kitchen and he was getting something to drink and I was stood by his side, wanting to get a drink for myself. Well, he didn't quite know I was there, and after he filled his mug with water he pivoted around. As he turned, the mug hit me in the head and shattered, spilling the contents all over me. And in true comic style, he was still holding firmly onto the disembodied handle.. lol.
Then there was the time we were both playing with some balloons. We were hitting it to each other, as is mandatory when a balloon is present. Well, it went down in the middle between us, and I wanted to save it from hitting the ground in a comic manner, so I tried to get my head underneath it and headbutt it up again. Well, he had the same thought, but again being taller, he decided to use his foot. The front of his shoe connected squarely with my face. Ouch.
the most embarrasing injury I ever had.. well.. the only one I can think of was when I was a bad girl and got hickies all over my breast the night before a big JW formal.. would that be considered an injury? its a bruise right? any way, my formal was a little low necked.. and unfortunately my bruises were plenty enough that they were not hidden by the dress.. I had to go buy a new dress that day for the formal! Ooops..
the most embarassing injury that my friend ever had.. when I was a little girl I had a girl over from school.. (because my dad was not a JW) occassionally I got to spend some time with non dubs.. we were about ten or eleven.. We had a swing set in the back yard and the seat had broken off one of them.. so there was just two chains hanging there with the brackets that would have held the seat..
The brackets on the end of each chain looked sort of like this: ^
so any way.. she managed to wrap her legs around the chain and was swinging... then she lost her grip.. the bracket slit between her legs as she fell and wripped part of her private area.. I am not sure exactly which part because I was young...and I remember my mom being just horrified.. and worried about if there would be permanent injuries.. they rushed her to the hosptal..
its so strange.. we never talked about it again..
and was we got older.. well she ended up kind of a goody too shoes... so we didn't stay friends..
I wonder if she did have perm injuries.. not sure if she ever had kids..
People have told me repeatedly that I'm an accident waiting to happen. I've had all kinds of injuries, many requiring stitches, ER, etc.., but this one tops it all.
TRUE story.
One night I was sitting in bed reading a book. My left eye was starting to bother me a bit. I opened and shut it a few times and then it became kind of painful. I went to the bathroom to look in the mirror, thinking that perhaps I had been bitten by a bug or something. To my surprise, my eye was black and blue. I knew for a fact that I had not fallen or bumped into anything and had no idea why my eye was like that. When I woke up the next morning it was a lot worse. More black than blue and completely swollen. Now, try to explain to people that you got a black and blue eye just from reading a book. They really don't believe that.
fairchild, you just reminded me of something ...
About 15 years ago, I woke up and lept out of bed (needed to pee). OW! I looked down, and my second toe was all bloody and split! I was sleepwalking, had stubbed my toe hard enough to split it like a tomato, and didn't even wake up. SPOOKY ,,, that's all I can say.
ok one more ,why the hell not, this is when my husband and i were dating , back in the day when you would make out in the car and that's what we were doing and my now husband then boyfriend got alittle carried away in the moment ( ya know what i mean ) and we went to fix things because of the cramped space and hit me square in the nose and broke it. Well that was that cause the blood starting flowing and it just wasn't any fun anymore and never had it fixed cause i couldn't tell anyone how it happened.
That's it my lips are now sealed!
U is 1 d monkey
Ya know IP=binner ,i actually got nothing to sayyou have left me speechless
Jaaahhaaaaburrrus kurrrist Sassy,
and thanks for the graphic, very - erm - graphic!